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  1. highfidelity

    Highfidelity's First Grow CFL (Bagseed)

    03/07/10 Today has marked six weeks of flowering. You'll see that the biggest plant looks like it still needs about four weeks before it's even close to being done. The other two should be okay to harvest two weeks from now, but another week on them probably wouldn't hurt. Sorry I was racing...
  2. highfidelity

    Highfidelity's First Grow CFL (Bagseed)

    This coming week I will try again to get some pictures up here. I think I have a solution as far as getting the plants water while I'm gone.
  3. highfidelity

    Highfidelity's First Grow CFL (Bagseed)

    Sorry, never did get the camera. Anyway, the plants have been flowering for 5-1/2 weeks now. They look better every day. The pistils have started turning orange so it looks like everything is on schedule from what I've read. The lower leaves are starting to yellow and fall off, but this all...
  4. highfidelity

    Highfidelity's First Grow CFL (Bagseed)

    Tomorrow will be five weeks of flowering and hopefully I'll have the good camera tomorrow so I can take some photos.
  5. highfidelity

    Highfidelity's First Grow CFL (Bagseed)

    Oh yeah, I'm planning on eight weeks minimum, but what I meant to say is that one of these girls is going to need probably 10 weeks of flowering, but I've heard that's not uncommon.
  6. highfidelity

    Highfidelity's First Grow CFL (Bagseed)

    2/20/10 Update Tomorrow will be four weeks of flowering, but I can tell that one of them is going to need longer than that. It's seems a bit too underdeveloped compared to the rest of them. I'm going to get a hold of the good camera again and I'll take some quality pics sometime next week...
  7. highfidelity

    Highfidelity's First Grow CFL (Bagseed)

    Yeah, I've put up some light weatherstripping around the door and I'm going to run lowest possible light in my room to avoid the rest of them turning that way. Damn. Just got hold it off for another 5 weeks or so. I've just got be just vigilant about keeping light out and snippin' those balls...
  8. highfidelity

    Highfidelity's First Grow CFL (Bagseed)

    It also looks like one of the big plants is a hermie. It only has balls here and there.....I've been cutting them off as I see them. Am I fighting an uphill battle by doing this? I can't believe I didn't see them before. I'm assuming that growing bagseed probably means that I grew hermie...
  9. highfidelity

    Highfidelity's First Grow CFL (Bagseed)

    The smell is pretty awesome, but it hasn't been overwhelming. It says inside the closet without spreading to the rest of the house. I need to think about investing in an air cleaner just to stay on the safe side though. Considering I'm not quite at three weeks yet I'm excited to see how...
  10. highfidelity

    Highfidelity's First Grow CFL (Bagseed)

    2/10/10 Lots of bud growth along with overall growth. It's been almost three weeks in flowering and I'm pretty satisfied with what I'm seeing so far. The big ones have grown at least 7" since start of flowering and the 4" is now at 9". The small one is really going to be interesting it'll...
  11. highfidelity

    Highfidelity's First Grow CFL (Bagseed)

    I was worried if the pollen sacs had opened yet. I don't think it was a light leak as it was the furthest back in the closet and the two closest to the door have been flowering fine. It looks like I'm okay. Guess that's what you get from growing bag seed.
  12. highfidelity

    Highfidelity's First Grow CFL (Bagseed)

    02/06/10 Part II Well, since I broke out the camera for the fourth one's funeral I might as well show you the other three today.
  13. highfidelity

    Highfidelity's First Grow CFL (Bagseed)

    02/06/10 Well, double dumbass on me it looks like. 3 females and 1 hermie. Based on these pictures did I wait too long? Anyway, before I chunked it here are some pics.
  14. highfidelity

    Highfidelity's First Grow CFL (Bagseed)

    Update 02/04/10 The growth seemed to stunted in the beginning stage of flower, but the two big ones are starting back up again it looks like. It's looks like I've officially got four females, which is just damn lucky.'s the pics.
  15. highfidelity

    400w Stealth Cabinet AK-48

    Sub'd. Love this grow. Those buds look amazing.
  16. highfidelity

    Highfidelity's First Grow CFL (Bagseed)

    Update 2/2 I went ahead and put all four into flowering as I'd like to start fresh after this grow with good fem seeds. However, one of the little plants has shown female. 3 females out of 4 and from bagseed is pretty lucky, but I don't want to go through the guessing game again. You'll...
  17. highfidelity

    3 Strain Party Cup Grow

    I need to remind myself to check back tomorrow. I love seeing these updates.
  18. highfidelity

    Highfidelity's First Grow CFL (Bagseed)

    I think you're right. The other big plant is starting to show a little white hair just barely peeking out. What luck...especially with bagseed and the stress I put those girls though. I'm itching for this grow to finish out so I can start growing some quality strains. My tallest is about...
  19. highfidelity

    minifridge grow w/ pics cfl 12/12 grow

    Great journal. Did you run the mix of 2700k and 6500k the whole time? I've found a bit of difference can happen when you go to the old standard 6500k for veg and 2700k for flowering. Then again, you had some amazing plants for this micro grow so maybe you're doing just fine. Quick results...
  20. highfidelity

    Highfidelity's First Grow CFL (Bagseed)

    1/28/10 I'll need to find a way to take a picture, but it's looking like one of the big ones is a female. Of the two big plants I was hoping that one would be the female. I am just barely able to see the white hairs with the naked eye.....well with my perscription glasses anyway. I guess I...