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  1. W

    Water Cooled

    Anyone use water cooled lights? Whats the Verdict?
  2. W

    car HID lighting kit??????????????

    try it. :weed:
  3. W

    Autoflowering Strains

    what do you mean a seed run? Are you talking about serious seeds white russian or the lowlife hybrid? thanks all for responses.
  4. W

    Autoflowering Strains

    Hey all im working on a six plant grow box as a gift to my GF, im looking for maximum yield with max quality, im debating on diesel Ryder from Joint Doctor and auto white russian from Lowlife seeds. any thoughts/ experience?
  5. W

    How Long Do Seeds Stay Good For?

    friend of mine grew seeds from his dead fathers stash he found at least 20 years old in a bag in a box in a drafty garage we also found weed which was un-moldy and got us ripped (tasted a lil funny).