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  1. A

    Cloning 101.. Compilation of Techniques.

    nice mine cloner the some and use the some shit rhizotonic rox
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    WFT is wrong with my perfect DWC!!?!?!!??!

    bring water level down to the bottom of net pots. it is to high. this will work if you dont you will defenently get root rot
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    DWC Mother plant

    wheres the pic
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    grow room set up

    ebay dude they have very good tents in all sizes
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    3600w growroom w/ OG kush [1st time] -cycle grow 2 rooms (PIX)

    nice set up. dont let the dog in the grow rooms.and next grow lose the soil. nice work
  6. A

    Urgent help with $100,000 setup!

    sorry mate start agin. and get a good marijuana hydroponics book . i feal for you