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  1. The Cat

    Aussie Growers Thread

    i found these videos on youtube for ya Ninja. shows the flow paterns you should expect. i didnt realise it wouldnt be a continous flow until i saw these. the bubbles lift the water rather than a full syphon effect. i think ill use the bigger clear feed hose after all. what do you think...
  2. The Cat

    Aussie Growers Thread

    draw me a little diagram or put some pics up of what you wanna do and ill try to work something out for ya if you want? i love solving problems like this.
  3. The Cat

    Aussie Growers Thread

    All Of The Above
  4. The Cat

    Aussie Growers Thread

    LMFAO @ AOTA! gotta love channel one to. im a fucking sports junky! oh and kmoo you are one funny bitch, you crack me up! i was wondering if you have considered hiring yourself out as some sort of wife training consultant? god knows my missus could learn a few things from you about not being...
  5. The Cat

    Aussie Growers Thread

    one thing ive learned about these forums is the more info you want, the more detailed questions you have to ask so what sort of info are you after? id definately start by reading up on sprouting your seeds and getting them to good healthy seedlings before planting but once youve got a spot and...
  6. The Cat

    Aussie Growers Thread

    hey BB, in regards to the water crystals, my best advice is dont over use them. (sorry if you already know this stuff, more of a community service announcement) there is more to planting than just digging a hole and sticking your plant in it to if you want to give it the best chance to establish...
  7. The Cat

    Aussie Growers Thread

    on another note, i saw COLD CHISEL last night! it was fucking amazing!!!!! i truly thought seeing them live was an oppurtunity i would never get and im so glad i did. still on such a high and i havent even had a smoke in two days! ian moss is a musical GOD! they played my two favourite songs...
  8. The Cat

    Aussie Growers Thread

    yeah the idea with the "topsy turvy" is that gravity will draw fluids and nutrients down to the tips of the plant where new growth is occuring, basically removing the restrictions of going up and forcing the plant to grow quicker. also roots grow way easier and quicker than the rest of the plant...
  9. The Cat

    Aussie Growers Thread

    couple of quick questions, i got some bagseed so i thought id have a play around with it. put them in some wet paper towel inside a small lizard tank i have with a heat mat in it. that was thursday, just checked them now and a few are sprouting! the first bit that comes out is the root right? it...
  10. The Cat

    Aussie Growers Thread

    yeah they look fine. MARTY hasnt gone near them, he really must hate the smell. im gonna take him for a walk up there this arvo, see if i can find a way up that other side. dude that hash fucked me up so bad i think that could be the most wacked ive ever been!
  11. The Cat

    Aussie Growers Thread

    LOL way to copy pretty much exactly what i already told him! problem is there not plug adapters they are plug in light fittings!
  12. The Cat

    Aussie Growers Thread

    sorry mate i should have looked at them a bit closer. i thought they were just plug adapters not light fittings. yeah i can see why these wouldnt be approved in aus. we have quite strict saftey regulations here. its that easy to wire up cfl fittings though i wouldnt even bother looking for these...
  13. The Cat

    Aussie Growers Thread

    yeah the rendered product is always gonna taste gross but ive never heard of just eating it by itself. use it to make something else, like i said with a bit of sugar is best, but you could even use it in normal cooking for your dinner etc, so long as you dont fry it off or have the oven to hot...
  14. The Cat

    Aussie Growers Thread

    what method did you use to make your oil? and why did you have to eat it in little balls? ive done alot of baking myself and i find it quite easy to overcome the taste, SUGAR!!! lol seriously though pretty much ANY recipe that uses oil or butter can be substituted with canna. ive made caramel...
  15. The Cat

    Aussie Growers Thread

    so long as you know what country the plug you are using is from it should be very easy to find an adapter. all the big stores (big w, kmart, bunnings) will sell them as well as most post offices and anywhere that sells travel stuff. (if your close to an airport that would be your mecha) that...
  16. The Cat

    Aussie Growers Thread

    thanks for that, i do feel so special now! you kinda lost me with the cherry thing though. im very interested by the different methods of plant manipulation people use while growing weed. i have a bit of experience with bonsai and topiary and im really looking forward to playing around with some...
  17. The Cat

    Aussie Growers Thread

    WTF??? Im still a noob so can you please ellaborate on this? How did you get what looks like two crowns to grow without the rest of the plant? that looks wicked!
  18. The Cat

    Aussie Growers Thread

    ok so i just read that link you posted and its a slightly different method again but still has the same flaws. like i said butane is just so much better i wouldnt waste my time using something else but if you must id reccomend putting the weed you plan on using in the freezer over night. id also...
  19. The Cat

    Aussie Growers Thread

    i think ive tried to explain this to you before but ill have another go. its no so much the fact of what you use rather than the state it is in when you use it. i.e. you use presurised butane because it is a forced liquid and its extremely cold but it then evaporates back to a gas as it heats...
  20. The Cat

    Aussie Growers Thread

    ok so i know this has probably been covered a million times already and i did a quick search but nothing clear came straight up so im gonna throw it out in here. Can anyone post a link to or just give me a VERY QUICK explanation of the difference between indica and sativa strains? im gonna be...