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  1. Hollander


    Hello all! Good to be back! Right after I joined RIU I ran in to a difficult time that some also refer to as the law. I am glad to be back and excited to say that I am leaving Chicago :( and moving to California in a few short weeks. Networking would be great since I have much to learn about how...
  2. Hollander

    Civil Union posts were all very well written. The only reason I read on was to see how you'd...

    Civil Union posts were all very well written. The only reason I read on was to see how you'd respond. Thank you for the education in eloquent script, I look forward to reading more of your posts. Brilliant.
  3. Hollander

    What's Wrong With Civil Unions?

    It must be AWESOME to be ignorant. We are supposed to be governed based on the fact that all men (people) are created equal. With that in mind, we should all be allowed the same legal opportunities and rights. I'm offended by some of the things posted in here, not due to the content, but rather...
  4. Hollander

    Portrait of a Traitor ...

    Thank you, Mr. Smith. Thank you.
  5. Hollander

    Portrait of a Traitor ...

    I don't understand judgmental people. You don't sound informative, and you're not factually stating what seems to be a case for your political beliefs. If you've got this whole presidency/leadership thing down, then you must run for 2012 office. I could handle it if they were kindly stated...
  6. Hollander

    How much would you pay for a quarter?!?

    I'm gonna go with Mr Smith on this one. Demographics are HUGE. $120 for a quake is right on in my neck of the woods when it comes to a fine product. If he/she is legit about it being WW, they shouldn't have a problem with you testing the worth theory out. If they have good business ethics it...
  7. Hollander

    My Pumpkin Bong

    Um, this is amazing! I am a true appreciator of the little simplicities in life. A pumpkin bong is genius.
  8. Hollander

    Right VS Left

    Politics are like religion, they only work if you have faith in them and believe. There is no such thing as a person that believes in all demo or all rep values. It's a melting pot theses days, just like our people. Or maybe a big chopped and tossed salad, because we realized that we don't have...
  9. Hollander

    Chitownsmoke(Sour D X Budda Kush Grow)

    Standing Ovation to all!!!!
  10. Hollander

    Post your best rappers and video links
  11. Hollander

    Amsterdam let down

    For those of you who are interested in the Dutch, and the lovely luxuries they have to offer, should perhaps also take a look at their own political struggles at this point in time. Nederland is having some very real struggles as they approach a new election. We are talking about a gracious...
  12. Hollander

    Amsterdam let down

    DST has some good things to say. You really do want to try and make a local friend. Perhaps you are a "live with the people" traveler. I am too..I like to experience the trip in reality and not from the hotel zone. It's just like going to Cancun, there are some really fun places on the strip...
  13. Hollander

    Chitownsmoke(Sour D X Budda Kush Grow)

    Sending some Chi-town love to you, Chitownsmoking. Hold your head..high!
  14. Hollander

    Amsterdam let down

    I'm a dutch girl, and I've never heard of someone saying that Amsterdam is a poor experience. Perhaps venturing outside of A'dam might have helped. Did you try Den Haag, Utrecht, or up north by Groningen....?
  15. Hollander

    Entitlement mentality

    Um, my only point was that you must own your own situation. Obviously reform is needed in many areas of this country. I choose, however, not to sit back and be a victim, rather an advocate for what i know my child needs. Isn't that what parenting is all about? I do not have the power at this...
  16. Hollander

    Entitlement mentality

    I DO have a child. My child currently tests in the top 1 percent of the nation. However, every interim report that comes home talks about the lack of "focus" my child has. Mind you, my child is also a straight A student. There is not enough funding(even though I reside in an upper middle class...
  17. Hollander

    Entitlement mentality

    I could not agree with you more, I've been talking about the "entitlement" factor for a few years now. No one wants to work for what they have. No one wants to start small and build up. No one appreciates the meaning of paying your dues anymore. All of these experiences in life are what make us...