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  1. S

    Soil Test Kits

    Does anyone use a soil test kit (N,P,K) that they're happy with? I've been using the "Rapidtest" kit from Luster Leaf and don't like it very much.:sad:
  2. S

    Looking for experienced LED growers.

    I've only been growing for less than a year so this advice is not coming from an expert. I live in an area with a warm climate and expensive electricity, so I started out with an LED light ( for veg. and a LED light for bloom and T-5 for seeds and clones. I also installed a...
  3. S

    What's this seedling problem?

    This plant is representative of five plants started from seeds on 4/1/10. They've been growing in soil under T5 lights. The problem seems to be confined to the lower leaves so far, but looks like it's working its way up the plant. I think it's a nutrient problem, but I've never had a problem...
  4. S

    Can I top off tall plants in bloom?

    They're 5-6 weeks into bloom, but don't look to be anywhere close to that far along. Since they share lights with shorter plants that are a week or two from harvest, I don't want to raise the lights even further. I'll top them, hope for the best, and report back with what happened. Thanks to...
  5. S

    Can I top off tall plants in bloom?

    Two questions. Probably due to a combination of insufficient vegetative lighting and a delay in moving the plants over to the bloom area, I've now got several very tall leggy plants (well over 4 ft high) that are growing like they're on steroids. Adding in the height of the platform and the...