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  1. P

    T5 flouresents

    I was thikin about buyin one of theese. Has any one here ever grown with the t5? And if so was it a good or bad experience?
  2. P

    Indoor closet grow w/ pics

    Smokebros do you triim your bottom branches off ?
  3. P

    White powdery mildew???

    How do i get this stuff off of my plants leaves?
  4. P

    Quick question

    Thanks 4 the info
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    Quick question

    When a plant begins to flower is it done growing (height)
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    Knocking off roots while transplanting?

    Thanks for the info
  7. P

    Knocking off roots while transplanting?

    Has anyone ever done this? If you knock i or 2 roots off while transplanting will it affect how the plants grow?
  8. P

    Chicken shit???

    good lookin on the info chitown
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    Chicken shit???

  10. P

    Growing without nutes???

    What if i was growing in pots?
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    Chicken shit???

    how do you use the pellets? do you just add the pellets to the plants soil an add water?
  12. P

    Growing without nutes???

    is it possibile to grow a strong, healthy, big yielding plant without using nutes and just using water and sunlight?
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    Chicken shit???

    how often should you add the chicken shit to your plant?
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    Chicken shit???

    I appreciate the feedback. Thanks
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    Chicken shit???

    I heard this was a pretty good fertilizer for weed. Has anyone ever used chicken manure as fertilizer?? Did you have good results?
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    I was tring to find out if the spacequeen strain produces a high or low yield.
  17. P

    Can you grow year round in california?

    I was wondering if it was too late to put some more clones out. Any feedback is appreciated.
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    How do you know when its time to change your soil?

    Thanks 4 the feedback
  19. P

    How do you know when its time to change your soil?

    Im growing outside and using pots.i heard that you are supposed to change your plants soil at one point. I wanted to know if thats true and if it is how can you tell when the soil needs changing
  20. P

    How do you know when its time to change your soil?

    How can you tell?????