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  1. killeraj

    When do I start bloom nutrients

    3 gallon pots really??? I have read that 1 gallon pots would be good. A feeding chart would be good, I will be sure to look that up. Yeah Im using botanicares line and I will be sure to look up about using half veg/half flower nutes when preparing for flowering.
  2. killeraj

    When do I start bloom nutrients

    Ok cool, sorry man I just wanted to make sure Im not suppose to start before or after...theres more experienced people on here obviously and wanted some advice.
  3. killeraj

    When do I start bloom nutrients

    Hey fellow roll it upers Im currently on the 5th-6th week on my plants and been giving it pure blend pro (veg) nutrients and its approx 2 1-2 feet tall and the leaves are huge and looks dam healthy. So Im curious when to start giving it bloom nutrients (pure blend pro bloom) cause Im not...
  4. killeraj

    Cannabutter has 2 layers of green...dark and darker HELP

    HOLY CRAP REALLY?? I guess thats awesome haha.
  5. killeraj

    Cannabutter has 2 layers of green...dark and darker HELP

    I wanna say 6 cups of grinded stems and leaves.
  6. killeraj

    Cannabutter has 2 layers of green...dark and darker HELP

    Ok so I used the instructions and followed the pics from someones thread on here and everything went smoothly. I used 1 1/4 stick of butter, 3cups of water, and let it sit on LOW LOW LOW heat and I strained and did everything according to instructions. But now I got it in a glass pan and have...
  7. killeraj

    Seed sprouted yesterday and now......

    Can anyone tell me when the plastic tops come off.
  8. killeraj

    Seed sprouted yesterday and now......

    So if I get 4 CFL lights 27 watts or higher for the sprouts will that be ok? when can I take off the plastic tops?
  9. killeraj

    Seed sprouted yesterday and now......

    Im using 1 CFL-bulb 27 watts and the seeds are about 5-6 inches away from them.
  10. killeraj

    Seed sprouted yesterday and now......

    3 seeds barely sprouted yesterday and I had a plastic cover over them to build up the humidity cause I heard thats the way to do it, so I just took the plastic covers off to let them get some fresh air and these suckers are like 1inch-1inch 1/2 tall. Im guessing this is stretching cause 2 of...
  11. killeraj

    harvesting and curing????

    Alright sounds good.
  12. killeraj

    harvesting and curing????

    Guys, I read it but it DOES NOT give me any sort of time frame. Like how long do I let it hangupside down for 2 days..3 days........10 days....1 million???
  13. killeraj

    Germinated seeds and just planted them in soil now?????

    Thanks cause I was very curious what to do.
  14. killeraj

    Hello from CHICAGOOOOO

    Awesome, thanks I appreciate it.
  15. killeraj

    So, is it a girl?

    Looks female, then again I dont have my contacts in right now lol.
  16. killeraj

    harvesting and curing????

    Hmmm Im confused on a few things.... After u start cutting ur plant down how long do u hang it upside down for?? and in reference to curing, how long do u leave it in a jar?? I dont need it for long term storage so when is it considered ready to smoke? Im sure some of u will say its all on...
  17. killeraj

    Germinated seeds and just planted them in soil now?????

    Ok I have a few questions so I germinated 3 seeds which look very healthy and I planted them in soil so now...... 1. I been reading that I should put a plastic cover over my plant (seedling)/cup, why do i do this and should I do this? 2. When and what kind of nutrients and food do I feed...
  18. killeraj

    Hello from CHICAGOOOOO

    Just thought I would say whats up to my fellow growers and smokers. I finally joined after wanting to learn how to grow. Yes I will be asking tons of newb/idiot questions so let me apologize now hahaha.
  19. killeraj

    Setting up first grow room but need some help with lighting??

    Good Idea custom closet, I will give that a try.
  20. killeraj

    How much time for lighting for veg??

    WOW, thanks for responding to all my connected questions haha, can you say approx how long/fast I can expect to harvest in regards to going with a hydro setup?