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  1. medical4de

    Medical4DE is back

    I had to move, and had some setbacks in my grows but im back and gonna try it again anyone from 07 still around?
  2. medical4de

    Budget Grows.. anyone else into?

    Hey... i my self am on a low budget.. and am finding ways to circumvent the high prices of quality merchandice (ie lights ect) wondering if anyone else has any tricks.. I made a really cheap grow closet years ago.. and it worked pretty well till my roomate got para and gave away the plants...
  3. medical4de

    Question about small busts... (dont know where to post it)

    First of all let me appologise if im in the wrong place... I m wondering if anyone ever heard of a cop selling pot to bust people.. the reason i ask is since my own garden is not quite there.. im still on the open market i reciently came across a new source... new souce is "new to town" and...
  4. medical4de

    Have You Guys Seen This Yet!

    OK this is a long text but worth the read here is the full link if you want to read it there MAPS' efforts to establish a medical marijuana production facility the other interesting part is this pettition going around capitol hill in the US write your senator check out this link.. and please...
  5. medical4de

    My first "attempt" at a grow

    Well this is it. Basicly this is my first grow. I used a few different techniques to see what was working and what wasn't. If i do something wrong or you have some imput please feel free to share.. i have alot to learn.. ok for starters 72 Jiffy pellets Altoids Tin of bag seed.. (mostly some...
  6. medical4de

    anyone into Greenhouses?

    Not exactly sure where they fit in here of if anyone here uses them. Im looking to get some ideas as im looking to build one I wanted to get some feedback on what works for people and what doesn't. If im in the wrong catagory I humbly appologise and would someone direct me to the right...
  7. medical4de

    Hello I'm Medical for Delaware

    High? Im Medical 4 DE Im new to here and looking to learn some things about growing My name comes from me being really interested in seeing a Medical Marijuana program in Delaware by 2010. I read a post earlier where someone posted a pic of some nice schwag he got.. and asked people to help...