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  1. axxewraith

    How do you LST? Show us.

    Has anybody got any pictures of a LST going round the pot? Shown in that tutorial on a site I'm not sure I'm allowed to mention :| But yeah, sorry for the vague explanation :p
  2. axxewraith


    5.6 grams.
  3. axxewraith

    Literally wardrobe growing

    Very nice man, congratulations on the great harvest and the yield (It was a good guess :p) Hope to see another grow from you in the future!
  4. axxewraith

    Literally wardrobe growing

    1.5 oz, I have no idea. Just a guess from how much I see in the pic. Obviously I can't see how big it is in person so..
  5. axxewraith

    Literally wardrobe growing

    bump! message too short.
  6. axxewraith

    Skunk in Autopots:my 3rd indoor grow

    Excellent! Sub'd.
  7. axxewraith

    Literally wardrobe growing

    Like I've said, give us some figures when you've dried it!
  8. axxewraith

    Literally wardrobe growing

    Fuck dudee, I hope everything works out. Keep this updated so I can see your outcome/yield !
  9. axxewraith

    Literally wardrobe growing

    I'm going to repeat this as closely as possible using your errors as examples.
  10. axxewraith

    Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide

    Holy shit. Keep up the amazing work! Subbed.
  11. axxewraith

    I was garden hopping ..

    Alright man ;] I'll go round tomorrow to see who he is, hopefully become friends.
  12. axxewraith

    I was garden hopping ..

    How about, I won't tell the police if you save me some ;] ? haha.
  13. axxewraith

    I was garden hopping ..

    Away from a fight. When I jumped into a forest about half a mile from my house. THEN, I stumbled across this.. The land isn't private, so.. is it mine to take ? & is it safe to smoke ? There are 2 males and 6 females.
  14. axxewraith

    Is my plant healthy ?

    We're on the same terms then :p I don't want it to get too serious yaknow. Just a little plant for a bit of bud will do me. There is definite development though! :D Looks like it has gone back to height > leaf span.
  15. axxewraith

    Is my plant healthy ?

    Ok, so I have a pc fan blowing on my plants and they're twitching nicely. However, I watered them today (this morning) a bit round the stem and the rest round the edges. And now the leaves are pointing straight upwards but they seem to be going higher than the circular leaves, so I don't know if...
  16. axxewraith

    Is my plant healthy ?

    Good to know, I will keep an eye on your blog too! :)
  17. axxewraith

    Is my plant healthy ?

    I'm growing 2, but they're identical so there is no need to post both :p
  18. axxewraith

    Is my plant healthy ?

    That looks like a lovely crop :) One last question (I think), should I fill up the pot with soil up to it's first leaves ?
  19. axxewraith

    Is my plant healthy ?

    MGE, Yours look so good! Light must be my problem! haha. Are you on 18/6 ?
  20. axxewraith

    Is my plant healthy ?

    I see. And I should soak the soil when watering ? I love this forum :)