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  1. C

    First Grow, would need advice (nirvana ak48)

    same problem, please i would need some advice.
  2. C

    help! seedling problem

    Changed the pots, less wattering still the same, pics and more info on my journal I am looking fw for reply cause i really want to learn. Thank you.
  3. C

    First Grow, would need advice (nirvana ak48)

    After 1 week the plants are yellow, after i change their pots, there leafs bacame yellow. Pictures I watter them after 2 -3 days, i have a moisture meter, the soil is 60% good soil 25 perlite, 15% sand. humity is around 55 - 70, temps about 24 - 26 C, ph in water is 6.0.
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    First Grow, would need advice (nirvana ak48)

    Thank you Now they have bigger pots with better soil.
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    First Grow, would need advice (nirvana ak48)

    temps around 25 C an humidity around 60 - 70, i will lower the ph and i will water them only in the morning. i hope it will be ok.
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    First All Out Grow..AK-48, BlackJack, Venus Fly Trap, and Wonder Woman

    chek out my journal, new problem occured
  7. C

    help! seedling problem

    now 1 plant is turning the tips of the leaves yelow. More info on my setup here What should i do?
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    First Grow, would need advice (nirvana ak48)

    From 5 plants i have 3 left, and now 1 of them has a problem, the tips of the leaves are getting yelow. What shoud i do?
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    First All Out Grow..AK-48, BlackJack, Venus Fly Trap, and Wonder Woman

    I water until i see 3 - 4 drops of water coming out through drainage holes.
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    First All Out Grow..AK-48, BlackJack, Venus Fly Trap, and Wonder Woman

    I want to transplant them to larger pots and i will give them another mix with less drainage, but i think it is to early, i am using peat pots, ppl say u should transplant when u see the roots coming trough drainage holes. What do you think, how much should i wait? Thank you.
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    First All Out Grow..AK-48, BlackJack, Venus Fly Trap, and Wonder Woman

    nice plants man. they look nice. what do u think about mine? are they small for 1 week?or is it normal?
  12. C

    First Grow, would need advice (nirvana ak48)

    because of the timer i switched from 18/24 to 24/24, is it ok?
  13. C

    First Grow, would need advice (nirvana ak48)

    Hi, this is my first grow, and i would need advice. Setup: 15x15x23, 270W cfl (cold white) runing 24/24 (because the timer is broken), pc cooler, 70% soil 30% sand, temp 20 - 26 C, hum around 70. I water 2 times a day with 6.5ph water, it dryes very fast this is why i watter 2 times a day, i...
  14. C

    help! seedling problem

    i know it sounds too much, but when i stick my finger in the soil it is dry, it dryes really fast i don`t know why, and this is why i water 2 times a day
  15. C

    help! seedling problem

    my plants are 5 days old and i`ve been watering them 2 times a day, yesterday night i skipped the watering and now i found them all with their heads down. The colour hasn`t changed. I put some sticks in the soil to keep their heads up. Are them dead? I`m growing AK48 temps 21 - 26, 270W CFL...