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  1. N


    lol Randomly. Sorry not trying to be a dick but its funny. Did you foliant feed?
  2. N

    Killing bugs on soil and leaves the organic way

    But you already have pepper, garlic and oil in your kitchen. Pot heads eat food. Im almost positive that oil works cause it breaks down exoskeletons on insects. Any oil will do this. Neem is used on plants more often cause of its odour. Im not saying neem oil is bad, Its oil and it works...
  3. N

    Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

    But you DID kill them by hand. How did you remove the eggs?
  4. N

    Good Bug or Bad Bug ??? Photos

    Agreed, but its not there just hanging out waiting for mites and aphids to spontaniously materialize. Its an indoor hydro set up. The lace wing didnt starve to death. Look for paracites, check roots too.
  5. N

    Killing bugs on soil and leaves the organic way

    Aside from the scent of neem oil I see no benefit using it over a cheap vegetable oil. Add garlic and pepper for that extra kick. If I am wrong please provide evidance other than testimonial or an advertisement for said neem brands.
  6. N

    Good Bug or Bad Bug ??? Photos

    Good bug means there are bad bugs it is feeding on. Something to think about. Look closer for paracites.
  7. N

    Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

    I wonder If we could somehow electirify your plant with a low amp current(for the sake of science). What are safe amperages for a plant. How many does it take to kill a bug. Start with half thw output of an electric fly swatter. I am half kidding. You can always kill bugs with your hands, ALWAYS.
  8. N

    i need to know what can keep bugs off my plant

    Most insects hate tobbaco. Brew some "tea" up and spray the plant whenever you go to check on it. This is all i can suggest cause I have no idea what insects/animals are,"eaint your plants and shit", and this treatment is harmless to the plant, will also help with deer and other animal life a...
  9. N

    Little Orange/yellow bugs attacking nodes 1 week into flower. +rep help

    Aphids can be a whole rainbow of colours. Green,yellow,orange?,brown,black. The antenae on the pale colours looked like horns to me. Just succesfully murdered them all, also with oil. Pictures would be useful. I never asked about my plant here cause im not willing to put up a pic. Kinda hard...