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  1. mthrfckrz

    new indoor explorer..

    i still got them running under my 600MH.. 24/7. should i give them a break ?!.. 18/6?.. or 24/7 good?
  2. mthrfckrz

    new indoor explorer..

    so i finally got my 600W system in i have 3 clones setup on with teh MH!. should i leave them on @ 24/7 for the full 4/8 weeks period or do the 12/12? im confused... i heard and read to leave them on and turn em off.. lol so im having a hard time really knowing what to do... i just started 3...
  3. mthrfckrz

    hello again.

    so i have not been in here for about almost 2 yrs i believe. i still see some familiar people and great job on the new layout.. well lol to me.. haha as of today i have purchased a 600W system. it will be my first time doing indoor and it's gonna be a fun experience, i will try hard learn this...
  4. mthrfckrz

    MJ Larva

    so now that i went thru this last yr.. good to see some familiar people still here.. so im out here in the soCAL area and one of my plants is looking perfect but i am wondering if i should start putting the Caterpillar Killer by Safer. since we all know about the white fly or butterfly. now...
  5. mthrfckrz

    Rain Question?! (pics)

    okay so now im worried.. it's suppose to rain this weekend.. starting tonight.. uhmm.. i have a great GDP outside and i don't want it to get ruined by rain.. what can i do for this weekend. if the rain comes?.. im seriously trippin'.. here are some beautiful images of her i took 2 days ago...
  6. mthrfckrz

    Plz HELP..Worms?

    okay so this morning i went outside and took a big look on my 4ft TW plant and i saw that one of the colas had a diferent look... so i took a closer look and seen inside of the nugg and it had about 30-40 lil egg lookin' things w/ a catepillar or worm on it.. then i went ahead and looked around...
  7. mthrfckrz

    plz HELP.. worms?

    okay so this morning i went outside and took a big look on my 4t TW plant and i saw that one of the colas had a diferent look... so i took a closer look and seen inside of the nugg and it had about 30-40 lil egg lookin' things w/ a catepillar or worm on it.. then i went ahead and looked arounf...
  8. mthrfckrz

    Slowly Yellowing?

    why, thank you it's a trainwreck plant i suppose.. my homie gave me a seed and i planted it.. just been adding water and much TLC.. 2 weeks ago i started the FOX FARM CHART.. @ WEEK 5... so now i would be on WEEK 8 on the next watering!
  9. mthrfckrz

    Slowly Yellowing?

    okay well i really didnt want to take out any sun leafs that are blocking sun light so what i did is just bring the stems down a little now it has much better lighting.. almost like the LST project..... as u can see it's much better and more air flow w/ much more light on it also you can see...
  10. mthrfckrz

    Slowly Yellowing?

    okay hopefully this will help it's in the 3rd week of flowering. i've used - Fox Farm's Big Grow & Big Bloom Every 3 waterings.. 2 times already yesterday just gave it water w/ some BIG BLOOM!.. the plant is potted in regular DIRT, lol from mother earth! - i've been outside looking at this...
  11. mthrfckrz

    help... asap

    okay i finally got a clone to succeed very well. planted it in Fox Farm - Ocean Forest Soil it's been going very well until it's last watering... i noticed a few days later it started to show these yellowish marks.. i dont know if its a nute problem already... which i have not fed it any...
  12. mthrfckrz

    2nd Week!

    yes it is a pic of it from my window -here is a pic of the plant next to it flowering as well... it's a GDP!
  13. mthrfckrz

    2nd Week!

    thank you.. i hope the get bigger.. lol this is my first time growing too.. i have a GDP i will be posting pics of soon...
  14. mthrfckrz

    2nd Week!

    this is my Trainwreck plant that has been grown from seed to what it is now. it was planted around early aplril and sprouted and this is so far what is has become.. it's in the 2nd week of flowering and here are some images from it. everyday i go outside and have a...
  15. mthrfckrz

    Too Much Light?

    okay here is an update on my clone since last time.. i went ahead and flushed it w/ some GROW BIG & BIG BLOOM... it did much better.. the yellowing went away and grew greener... now i only had 1 CFL on for the time being but now since it started to grow a lilttle i went ahead and turned on...
  16. mthrfckrz


    okay there is an issue that has started to bug me.. my plant is 5 months old and is in its 2nd week of flowering... but it also has lots of sun leaves everywhere and i see they are blocking some of the sun for the nuggs growing out everywhere... ive heard not to trm or cut any of the leaves at...
  17. mthrfckrz

    Thank You To All...

    none of this would have been possible without the ones who took the time to help me out.. thank you for the knowledge, time & patience... this is what ive grown because of YOU... i know this might get some people mad because this might not belong here.. but i do.. TO THANK YOU!... remember...
  18. mthrfckrz

    Night Breeze

    how about for a clone thats about 3 weeks old?... under one cfl.. i've been misting it here and there.. can that be a prob?.. or is it good to mist the plants at times... i stopped the MG def that was happening new leaf's starting to grown on the babY...
  19. mthrfckrz

    Night Breeze

    pretty much im screwed eh... well sometime it starts aroun 10pm and ends at 5 -6 am so uhm yeah but it still looks healthy as fuck and i dont seem to find anything that looks like mold or anything suspicious on it yet.. lets just hope for the best and see what happens within the next month!
  20. mthrfckrz

    best time?

    i'm new to this whole growing thing but everyday im loving it more and more... my 4 ft plant is flowering like a charm but now my question is.. when can i plant a seed and have it outside?.. is there a certain schedule to plant to meet the season to flower when outside?.. lol the reason i...