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  1. S

    can you tell if they are female? (pics included)

    i hear ya, but ya never know. so, i had a friend of mine who also grows take a look at the plants and he found a hermie. check out the pic attached.
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    Kool Bloom anybody ever use it, is it worth it?

    i bought some of the powder kool bloom. i have not gotten to the stage in which to use it, but i have friends that swear by it. the guy at the local hydroponics store said that you can add it as soon as you start the flowering cycle. you just want to start out light and then gradually...
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    carbon filter

    the air that is coming out of the exhaust will be the best air you've ever smelled! you should not smell any of it under the house. you will still smell some in the room. during the flowering stage things get very potent!
  4. S

    can you tell if they are female? (pics included)

    pics of the mothers. i've put a gallon milk jug container in the picture for reference on how big they are.
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    can you tell if they are female? (pics included)

    actually, these were just my clones to determine the sex of my mothers. i've got 14 more clones of the same plants that i'm going to veg longer. the mothers are about 2 1/2 - 3 feet tall now! wanna see some pics?
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    can you tell if they are female? (pics included)

    awesome! that i have all these females i'm running out of room lol i guess there's worse things to have ha! appreciate everybody's help!
  7. S

    can you tell if they are female? (pics included)

    hey guys, i'm trying to determine if my plants are females. the pictures attached are clones that i took from the main plants. they were veg'd for 2 weeks and are now approaching 2 weeks in flowering. i see white hairs on some of them and have read that this makes it a female, but i want to...
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    Roll your joints with or without filter?

    no filter here...i use hemostats when my fingers burn of course i dont usually roll one with the good dank unless i'm going on a road trip!
  9. S

    What Other Drugs Do You Enjoi?

    MJ of course. done X a bunch of times in the past...havent had any in a long time. old room mate grew some shrooms (it's pretty easy to do, not any harder than growing mj) and in the past 2 years i've done them a bunch of times. like someone said before, if you're not right in the head it...
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    1st Grow figured id give it a try

    i havent tried too many of the crazy strains, but i love the white widow!
  11. S

    light green leaves and a tad bit of curl

    thanks for the reply! i have a pH meter. bout a month ago my pH was jumping from 5.5 to 7.5 in 12 hours. i was using cheap "purified" water. I switched to distilled and it works a lot better! pH will be around 5.8 and in 2 days it will jump to 6.3...not bad at all!
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    Cheapest way to go?

    aint that the truuf
  13. S

    light green leaves and a tad bit of curl

    no responses...oh well. i just let them go. since i changed the type of water i was using in my system the plants seem to be doing a lot better. most of them are over 18 inches now and i just started a batch of clones to see if they are male or female. i've got 7 plants right now...and a...
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    1st Grow figured id give it a try

    plants lookin good....too bad one of them is a male. the setup i got going on right now, i'm hoping i've got one or two males...i'm runnin out of room lol
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    My plants are getting tall and starting to tip over.

    people suggest tying them up, how tall are they? the plant that fell over, is the stem soft?
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    What do you think?

    how old? how tall? looks good!
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    Purple power all done flowering... But wheres the purple

    i agree, your plants look great! screw the color! let us know how it smokes.
  18. S

    light green leaves and a tad bit of curl

    hey guys, since my last issue my plants seem to be doing well. they are growing taller and getting more leaves, but had a minor issue I hoped you guys could help me with. Some of the leaves are turning a tad bit light green with burnt tips (very small). some are curling as well. I've included...
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    pH issue?

    so, that seemed to do the trick. i went out of town last week when i posted that for the weekend. i came back and the plants had new growth on them! must have been that damn'd cheap water! anyways, since then i've pruned some of the dead foiliage. i appreciate everybody's help.
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    pH issue?

    ok, so i'm trying something else. the water I was using was "purified" water not distilled. I'm going to try some distilled water and see if that helps anything. I pulled one of my plants out of the hydroton to see if there was any algae. i didnt see who knows. we'll see if this...