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  1. F

    Great Stoner Quotes

    i remember a time we were smoking cracking weed i looked out of the window and tured to my buddy daz and said it was windy outside he said no it's thursday then my other mate said so am i letts go to the pub i could'nt stop laughing for ages has anyone ever miss heard things when stoned another...
  2. F

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    start off with good soil and quality seed. by getting good soil and you can do away with grow nutrient just use bloom when you flower them. that way you wont have a build up of chemicals also can i mention that if you want good free soil look for a patch of stinging nettles put the weeds out and...
  3. F

    Most Memorable Place You've Toked

    it hard to decide between that fantastic day in amsterdam where we all got stoned and went to the main square and sat for hours totally chilled or on the way back a friend found a couple of fat uns which we smoked on the back of the ferry at night then a nice warm cabin and reach england in the...
  4. F

    ??lemon haze??

    how well you grow it depends on your finial result just a quick tip if you top it early as soon as you see new growth behind the top set of leaves cut the top but only do this twice to get a really nice thick bush works wonders get so much yeld recomend it any day
  5. F

    helicopter hovering

    dont worry people back in the uk it more relaxed here get caught you get a slap on the hand and told not to do it again not many get jailed for growing personal cop looking more for commertial growers
  6. F

    Feeding Urine to your plants.

    can i just say that if anyone wants good free soil find a place where stinging nettles grow and clear them away and bag some soil nettles when they die leave nitrogen crystals this will be excellent soil there are other plants that leave nitrogen when they die but i dont know what they are...