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  1. P

    Thread of the Year in RIU-HS

    I know I've read a few that qualify, but there are many. It's that time of the year to submit your vote for thread of the year. Thread must come from Roll it Up Hallucinatory Substances. I'll chime in with my vote once I regain my sanity. Someone once said, "I've eaten over 75mg 2c-e...
  2. P

    KT Botanicals?

    cosign on the quality of MHRB from KT. Very nice people with which to work.
  3. P

    So, what's next for spidey?

    Ugh mephedrone/methylone. These barely qualify as psychedelics. Mephedrone feels great, but in the end it is quite empty. Methylone is awesome the first go with a "blue tuesday" and blahs for many days after for this user. I just can't "say no" to more mephedrone when I got it so I don't get...
  4. P

    2C-E (trip report / summary)

    lololol "Attention Attention! All frequenters of the Hallucinatory Substance subforum!!! Shepj is not a fan of Psychedelics!!!!" First of all most will find insulfating 2c-x's very unpleasant to the membranes. It tends to make one quite "mucous-y" anyhow. I too find 2c-e to be ridonkulous...
  5. P

    So, what's next for spidey?

    Get 2c-e spidey. It's very mescaline-y without the pain and time of extracting mescaline. For the price of a single extraction yielding a few doses of mescaline at best; you can stay off your ass for days/weeks quite happily with 2c-e. I've tried a ton of RCs and extracts and this one remains...
  6. P

    Just sent out payment for 500mg 2c-e!

    Florida sucks, I feel you bro! I waited 5 weeks for my last 2c-e order. Got it, and wouldn't you know my scale started acting up. Not a good thing with a new batch of 2ce. Oh well I said earlier this Christmas Eve. Guestimated what 25mg might be. I'm just now able to type for crying out...
  7. P

    Just sent out payment for 500mg 2c-e!

    Not the first time by far, but I ate 15 mg of 2c-e 2 hrs ago after being pleasantly surprised when my dog found the mail he lost. ==my favorite chillin dose by far. Weeeeeeee:-P
  8. P

    Which 2Cs Have You Tried???

    I don't know where you guys are scoring your 2c-E, but 75mgs would put a common elephant off his ass. I've experimented with up to 45 mgs, and this dose is as powerful as any dose of mescaline I've ventured to (550mgs). I thought it would be prudent to warn first time users of 2c-e that 75mg...
  9. P

    Making Mescaline HCL A Bold Reality!

    Coffee grinder works well for powdering. The price for powder is only slightly higher than dried chips at most vendors. Wear a mask around the dust if grinding yourself. The green dust can be quite irritating to your nose.
  10. P

    Making Mescaline HCL A Bold Reality!

    ndanger I gotta give 69ron's extraction TEK mad props. This TEK gives good yields and potent product provided you have a quality source material. I've got some T. peruvianus that has been giving up 2.5% mostly mescaline acetate. Can you say happy! You can easily convert acetate to HCl in...
  11. P

    Perma-fried, Perma-tripping, or just a little crazy???

    First of all most crazy people don't think they are crazy. Next, binging on MDMA can have some short term psychological consequences. I'm speaking from first hand experience. If psychedelics have taught you anything it is that you are exactly who you think you are. You have control over...
  12. P

    Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

    Value is relative only to what the buyer will pay & the seller sell for. I also pay $118, but have seen $210/g commonly in Canada and the US. If your source for $118 closed doors tomorrow would you pay $37 more per gram? I would.
  13. P

    PCP and LSD recipe

    Oh, and I still need pants.
  14. P

    PCP and LSD recipe

    I respectfully disagree. You don't have to work in the dark for MDMA, and procuring the precursors is most of the battle if you actually have the know how. LSD is much more delicate to make than MDMA. IMO, any idiot with organic 1&2 that can follow directions can make MDMA. Synthesizing...
  15. P

    who can hook me up with some schrooms in so*cal?

    I'd guess if someone offered to sell you shrooms you'd likely be getting ripped off. Buying and selling openly on a forum is frowned upon. I have to imagine the only reason this thread is open is so that you can get your just flaming. I'm going to do the responsible thing and advise you to...
  16. P

    PCP and LSD recipe

    As far as PCP goes...Why? Get yourself some ketamine and call it a day.
  17. P

    PCP and LSD recipe

    Brevity, you owe my a new pair of pants because I just shit myself reading your recipe. OP, the starting materials you will need are not in realm of procurement for the average kitchen chemist. The average kitchen chemist wouldn't have a clue how to set up lab environment were he lucky...
  18. P

    smokin' dmt

    Someone needs to talk about that awesome DMT stank that stays with you for a day after you smoke it. I look forward to reading your experiences Floridasux & anyone else that wants to share. We definitely need some more trip reports at RIU. The ones at bluelight/drugs/etc can get a little too...
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    smokin' dmt

    It was a profound experience. Once I was able to write, I put as much as I could in a journal that includes mephedrone scribbles (i gotta write on meph or I'll call someone and tell them all my secrets), 2c-e insights, and tryptamine adventures. If I don't write my DMT experiences down, they...
  20. P

    Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

    That is a little steep, but if you got it from the US or Canada it's not as bad as it seems. IMO, damn near any price you pay for 2c-E is worth it provided you receive it. I've seen grams for $210 from Canadian suppliers, so $300ish isn't too bad provided they deliver.