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  1. Polexia


    If I could delete that post and redirect people back to my last one, I would. ;)
  2. Polexia

    GOt Pitbull

    So cute! Love it.
  3. Polexia

    GOt Pitbull

    When I was born my mom had a pitbull. She was the sweetest, gentlest dog ever. Though she did chew a hole in the wall when my mom went out because she thought I was in my room. They found her sleeping in my crib with a huge hole in the wall.
  4. Polexia

    Caught masturbating? Better hope it's not by this crazy bitch.

    Uh... for the record, most of us masterbate too. And anyone that sees Palmela Handerson as cheating needs a swift kick to the behind as a wakeup call.
  5. Polexia

    Bring Marijuana on an Airplane

    John Wayne Airport this past spring. No word of a lie.
  6. Polexia


    Found some more, and my kid is asleep, so I have the time to put 'em up. 2003 When I used to have access to garbage bags full of lbs of bud to cook with. I miss those days. July 05 The day of the DEA raid on Marc Emery Direct Seeds. I was next door getting a coffee. Sad day for...
  7. Polexia

    What sites do you go to daily?

    I definitely don't visit pr0n sites daily, but when I do I use redtube. faster than youporn. Also, empornium. omg. so good.
  8. Polexia

    What sites do you go to daily?

    hotmail facebook towelpower dot org forums canucks dot com forums riu for now, but i can't make any promises cannabisculture dot com
  9. Polexia

    The REAL Reason Cannabis is Illegal.

    This couldn't have gone in the thread about why cannabis is illegal that was on page one yesterday? I mean... I'm jus' sayin'.
  10. Polexia

    In your opinion...... Is pot an addictive substance?

    Asking for an opinion on something that has a factual answer is kind of redundant isn't it? I mean, physically, in the way that other drugs are addictive, science can easily show you that it is not. Any number of sources confirm. As for it being spiritually addictive, that is a matter of...
  11. Polexia


    Now that I have a wee bit more time, I thought I'd post a few pictures. But I figured I'd do it in here so that I'm not bothering anyone or starting a new thread someplace. Ten years of getting stoned and causing trouble! Me, with my natural hair colour. This was in Vancouver's New...
  12. Polexia

    Buying seeds,
  13. Polexia

    First time LED grow

    I am finding this whole thing very interesting and appealing. I think LEDs are a great idea, and have been researching sunshine-systems. So.... I too will be watching. creepy.
  14. Polexia

    Good Marijuana Magazine seconded
  15. Polexia


    To each their own.
  16. Polexia

    The "Explain your name" thread

    Polexia is Anna Paquin's character in Almost Famous. And I love her. And she's the only celeb I get told that I look like on a regular basis.
  17. Polexia

    Thanks Dad...

    Hahaha That's just wicked.
  18. Polexia

    Your expierence after takin shrooms

    Shrooms CAN be fun if you're in the right frame of mind. You have to, like anything in the psychedelic group of drugs, be ready to LET GO OF CONTROL. When you try to control your trip, you can very easily turn it into a bad trip. You've got to consciously be able to shut that off and go for a...
  19. Polexia

    Why is marijuana illegal?

    A link to everything I just said? Wicked thanks. I'll lock that away.
  20. Polexia

    Why no reply just not popular enough I guess

    It's called Bill C-15. It's an amendment to the Controlled Substances Act.