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  1. X

    What's worse, the coke or the cut

    The cut,I wish i could have been alive when PURE coke was available(IE 1900 or before).
  2. X

    How To Make A Bag Look Bigger?

    When i was in high school 4 years ago i sold a kid like .5 gram for 70 dollars,i didnt feel bad at the time but just recently i gave him the 6.5 other grams. Don't be a dick dude. You prolly already did the shit though. Edit: fuck i only read to page three before i replied. my bad for the bump.
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    New 2012 Martial Law Bill In America

    yea yea yea whatever,keep living in fantasy land. Until they start making you carry mandatory papers like nazi fucking germany it doesnt mean shit.
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    New 2012 Martial Law Bill In America

    lol thats not going to be enough troops to patrol every single city anyways.
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    Got poisoned last night Pcp is not fermaldahyde/embalming fluid!Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen linked to nasal and lung cancer, and with possible links to brain cancer and leukemia and should not be smoked.
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    Got poisoned last night

    what?when i went to LA,PCP was called wet/sherm,i have heard PCP called embalming fluid,I dont know what you guys are talking about,unless embalming fluid contains formaldahyde?
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    The Ultimate Odour Control Thread

    i have a dresser that i have gutted,after i get done making it air/light tight(siliconing cracks,duct taping over silicone,then laying mylar)i am putting on a door on the back that swings open on hinges,now my question is,how would i make that air tight?weather striping? EDIT:how do i set up a...
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    Underground Ideas

    u get charged taxes for owning land:sad: