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  1. I

    Almost nude pics ok to post?

    Damn your wife is hot... You definitely need to post some more pics ;)
  2. I

    Can you leave you plants out over winter?

    Thanks, wasnt sure as this is my first indoor/outdoor grow.
  3. I

    Can you leave you plants out over winter?

    Im in Canada and I was wondering if plants can survive over winter if you leave them in the ground?
  4. I

    Canada outdoor 2009

    Im in Ontario and here are my ladies.....
  5. I

    tops dying ODD!!!

    I also mist my plants during flowering but I have a dehumidifier set to 40%
  6. I

    too mist or not to mist that is the question

    Mine are in the flowering stage and I mist mine everynight but I have a dehumidifier going and plenty of airflow. I havent noticed any bud rot or mold as I mist them lightly. edit: im at 60% humidity and 25c
  7. I

    My plants

    I started them from seeds on march 13 and they are they have been into 12/12 for 2 weeks. I got the seeds off some outdoor bud I got last summer. They are under florescent lights and has1 cool white and 1 warm 32w bulbs. Ill post some more pics of my setup too. Thanks for all the help so far guys!
  8. I

    My plants

    this is my first time growing and i need some advice on how my plants are doing. constructive criticism welcome :) pics attached!