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  1. F

    Attitudes return policy is unfair

    Agreed although I do thhink attitude should stand by the products they sell even if they're the middle men. Its easy to hide behind the whole souvenir/not the breeder thing and sell loads but if the seeds from a breeder are subpar (green or whatever) then attitude still shouldn't be selling...
  2. F

    HELL YEAH! Just got 50% off at Nirvana!!

    First off, I'm not a guy, second, it was just a joke dude. I got all I wanted. And third for anybody who does like coupon codes heres a little freeby from me: Use coupon code 250FTW to get 10% off your order at Nirvana Shop! (from nirvanas tweets)
  3. F

    HELL YEAH! Just got 50% off at Nirvana!!

    Sorry man, I got so excited I forgot to post the code! If nyone still wants to try its OMG50OFFNIRVANA Havent tried the Wowie but WW is ace!
  4. F

    HELL YEAH! Just got 50% off at Nirvana!!

    Bummer man. What code did u use? Maybe it has been used 5 times but that's not what they say on twitter.
  5. F

    HELL YEAH! Just got 50% off at Nirvana!!

    Oh yeah, I got Ak47, White Widow and Blue Mystic. Should of gotten more but I was afraid someone would beat me to the code if I took too damn long hehehe!
  6. F

    HELL YEAH! Just got 50% off at Nirvana!!

    :o No shit. I actually paid half price for my order! Grabbed the coupon code off their twitter (seedportal) even though I figure it's not actually gonna give me 50% off. GUESS WHAT, IT DID. Mostly ordering from Sannies these days but I bought from Nirvana before and they're not bad at all. This...
  7. F

    Voucher code-Nirvanashop

    They put voucher codes on their twitter (@seedportal) but they only work for a couple days so you have to keep an eye on them! Also you could use 420rules to get a discount in OCtober so todays probably the last day it will work.
  8. F

    Nirvana Fan Club! Share Your Nirvana Plants/Buds/Experience/Anything

    Thought you folks would like to know - if you follow Nirvana on Twitter they are now doing free shipping coupon code and discount codes! @seedportal is their name. I might try to snag todays code for myself though ^_^
  9. F

    Dont listen to this bullshit.. because thats exactly what it is.

    Now hang on a minute. You referenced my post about the ratting out twice without getting the point IMO. NIRVANA never threatened to rat anyone out. In my experience they bend over backwards for customers. What happened was that they hired some dude to cover customer service (we're talking 6 or...
  10. F

    THC % - Let's get things right! Please...

    From what I've heard, most companies that post explicit THC(CBN/CBD) levels are full of it, because it takes an expert in a lab to determine this and most don't actually bother with due to the expense. So where do they get their percentages? And how consistent are these across any strain? Very...
  11. F

    List of JOBS and their PERKS

    Being your own boss/working from home - you get to sleep in and work when you want. Wake & bake even but if you want to get anything done I recommend against it....
  12. F


    Hows the humidity? If its PM spray with a mix of 9 parts water 1 part non-fat milk. Add a tiny bit of potassium bicarbonate if you can get it and a tiny amount of soap.
  13. F

    Pm help

    Just wanted to add make sure the air circulation is really good.....add fans if you have to.
  14. F

    Pm help

    Just get those plants treated asap dude. I recommend a mix of water, non-fat milk and potassium bicarbonate (or baking soda at a stretch). I heard garlic/cinnamon oil works too. You can find recipes thru Google. With milk treatment you can get a benign mold on the leaves so don't freak out if...
  15. F

    First grow list of things and critiques

    If it were me I might spend a bit more on seeds and a bit less on all the other stuff (or just spend a little less on stuff). Its your first grow and I know you want to get it all right but that's down to experience and care as much as buying all the right equipment. Like 60 bucks for Bud...
  16. F

    Abstract Colored Pencil

    Amazing use of color! I gotta get me some Prismas! Would love to see what you do with canvas & paints.
  17. F

    does the nirvana seedbank ship to australia?

    Your in luck dude... looks like they started shipping to AUS again!!
  18. F

    Dont listen to this bullshit.. because thats exactly what it is.

    Cheers Growone, I thought it was interesting myself that Alice would admit it. There's nothing she can do about it now but come clean. At least now we know it's never going to happen again.
  19. F

    Attitude Fucked Me Over

    Yeah I ave noticed that... you'd think on a forum like this people would be less grouchy and quick to judge. At least this poster had the decency to come back and post the resolution though, becuase I would say all those people who complain and then never return, the company usually makes...
  20. F

    Abstract Colored Pencil

    You did that in pencil? What brand are they? It looks awesome!!!