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  1. trey01

    anybody know what this is??

    Its about the size of those tiny green spiders you find on The plants but hops around FAST.
  2. trey01

    anybody know what this is??

    LOL! That thing looks bigger this Lil Guy. Its redish orange with black and white antennas and some spots on its back.
  3. trey01

    anybody know what this is??

    Well the title says it.every day i find one of these guys on my plants.not sure if he's to blame for any damage but the sure seem to love my plants. [/IMG] [/IMG]. I hope i put up the right HTML.
  4. trey01

    LoveBugs? Are they Harmful to My Plants?

    I'm having the exact same problem..its love bug season here in Fl,and they are a pain in the ass.its the only insect around my plants at the moment and I'm finding holes in my leaves.. I can't beleave y'all don't get love bugs.we get the by the million's down this way.
  5. trey01


    no i saw the leavs on the soil and the soil was still kinda covering the sprout so i thought it was ok but then i noticed the leavs were no longer attached...but so far everything is goin ok in the new soil
  6. trey01


    thanks..i chucked it the day after it happend i figured it was done for..i dont know if anything ate it but i put another plant in the same dirt and the same exact thing i dumped the soil and put new stuff in and my new lil sprout is doin fine but thanks again
  7. trey01


    kinda but it had the two leafs on it the day it sprouted but it was barley out of the dirt,then the next day the leavs were i said befor ive NEVER had this happen befor ...and no after 7 grows i would call anybody a rookie im still learning new shit all the time
  8. trey01


    ok bro i aint ask you to be a dick about it i jus asked you a simple fuckin question in 7 grows ive never had this happen so i was thinkin i could get some help here.
  9. trey01

    I need help

    yea i figured dat i got two more growin but dam i woke up and they were jus off i dont kno how the fuk that happend i seen all 4 leafs jus sittin there in the soil
  10. trey01

    I need help

    ok i dont kno if im posting this in the right place but i got a problem with my plant just one of them tho this is about my 7th grow they all have come out really good but today i woke up and went to check on my sprouts and the top was compleatly off it was a baby so it just had water leafs and...
  11. trey01


    ok i dont kno if im posting this in the right place but i got a problem with my plant just one of them tho this is about my 7th grow they all have come out really good but today i woke up and went to check on my sprouts and the top was compleatly off it was a baby so it just had water leafs and...