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  1. blaznb

    Drugs and Religion

    most people do. ancient shamans used things like salvia dmt and amanita to experience "Om" depending on their religion...
  2. blaznb

    Drugs and Religion

    I need to many shrooms now aday to trip, but when i do dxm i feel like my sould is being succed down a wormhole.
  3. blaznb

    ~~MYGIRLS 2010 outdoor grow~~

    damn that some pretty nice yield
  4. blaznb

    ~~MYGIRLS 2010 outdoor grow~~

    thats the only way id ever dream of doin it. in the middle of the wilderness using gods tools 2 farm a nice harvest, just as the irish did.xD
  5. blaznb

    ~~MYGIRLS 2010 outdoor grow~~

    that wood looks like ur bout 2 find 342740710- termites in ur
  6. blaznb

    ~~MYGIRLS 2010 outdoor grow~~

    fastens my seat belt. lol
  7. blaznb

    Drugs and Religion

    well theres scumbags. there not even christians if they only use christ 2 make themselves look good. id rather make christ look good.xD
  8. blaznb

    Drugs and Religion

    We dont hide behind the bible, we just embrace it. just because your religious doesnt mean your hding behind anything. it just means ur able 2 think 4 urself, and not let scientists tell u whats real...
  9. blaznb

    Former Pot Smoker Sarah Palin Has Enlightened AttitudeTowards Weed

    actually it says nothing about the states, because the person with the most votes does not always win. the person the banks want you to think had the most votes will always win..
  10. blaznb

    Drugs and Religion

    41% of american adults admit to smoking it. why hide it? even those who deny it smoke it....
  11. blaznb

    Weed on a plane..

    If you dont want to have 2 shove it up ur ass..
  12. blaznb

    Weed on a plane..

    This was started by a gy wantin 2 smuggle dank buds. if he cooks it in the weed whats the point? you could of just cooked shitty pot and got the same effect for less money.
  13. blaznb

    Weed on a plane..

    you ppl r dangerouslu luccy.
  14. blaznb

    Weed on a plane..

    i tried that when i was in highschool, and i got caught.
  15. blaznb

    Drugs and Religion

    I havent clicced on a single of those links...
  16. blaznb

    Drugs and Religion

    a drug is anything thatcauses a change in the chemicals structure of your brain... cannabis does this. its a drug. just not a harmful one.
  17. blaznb

    Drugs and Religion

    if your doing it to let your concious find the answer it is not abuse.. its use.
  18. blaznb

    Drugs and Religion

    ofcourse it was used in the making of holy annointing oil. when he healed ppl he poured it upon their head... Sounds like he had 2 of used it.
  19. blaznb

    Drugs and Religion

    maybe it took me so long because my whole life isnt oon the pc
  20. blaznb

    Drugs and Religion

    I don't believe that christ was reincarnated into an ethiopian, but jah is just short for jahova, which is the english translation of god. I do however believe in the rastarafi peoples interpretation of the bible and babylon is most aspects.