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  1. Bumgoon

    Is she ready to harvest? (image heavy)

    Here we have an Easyryder (ak47+Lowryder) about day 76 now. Im getting trigger happy with the clippers. What do you wonderful people think? is it worth waiting much longer? Forgive the stupid questions, but she is my first grow, and I want it to be the best it can be. Thanks!
  2. Bumgoon

    My First Grow; Indoor Easy Ryder.

    Hey all, I have been lurking on this board for a while, but finally thought it was time to have a go at the great art for myself. I managed to get a few small plants going a few years ago, but paranoia got the best of me, and I killed them all for fear of the land-lady.:cry: This time round...
  3. Bumgoon

    Are these lights good enough?

    Hey guys, Hope you are all well. I just got myself some nice lil Easy Ryder seeds, and am planning on growing them one or two at a time. The thing is, I am more than a little bit poor at the moment, so after buying the seeds and a potting setup, i havent much left over for lighting. So i had a...
  4. Bumgoon

    Anyone know of a good UK source of Low ryder seeds?

    A shop near me is selling them for 45 pounds for five, This seems expensive to me. can anyone recommend me a better, reliable site that delivers to/in the UK?
  5. Bumgoon

    PC growbox Circuit help?

    Hai gais! I dont know if this has been asked before but... Im thinking about the old "PC case Grow box" trick. I see it as a good idea, as people dont really get suspicious when a PC tower is making fan noises and feels slightly warm to the touch, whereas a buzzing closet may attract attention...
  6. Bumgoon

    Misting with carbonated water?

    What ho Chaps. I saw once someone spraying their plants with carbonated (sparkling) water, saying that it was a good way to increase C02 intake in their plants. Is there any truth to this? :joint: