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  1. J

    1 nite major heat stress nightmare

    Apparently, my space heat tripper a breaker, which killed my fans. The plants spent what looks like quite some time under 140F ugh. I'm only 2 weeks into flowering. Anyone survive something like this? Thanks in advance! -jyaku (PS: I use DWC)
  2. J

    Need some dwc root advice

    "instant Karma" same as Liquid Karma? If so, that stuff made my roots look just like that. Think any heavy kelp product will do the same.
  3. J

    light cooling question

    It takes about about 750cfm to make 1 1000 hood's glass cool to the touch.... 1 8" inline wont even come close with that amout
  4. J

    Looking for DWC draining tips

    Anyone got in tips on how to drain the system faster? Using 8, 5 gallon buckets and a controller. Seems to take forever for them to drain.... thanks in advance
  5. J

    indoor grow, running out of room in a hurry

    Looking for any tips etc (no bushmaster)... I flipped 12/12 a week ago, and my girl have put on 26" stretch in that first week. I only have about another foot to the lights. I considered removing the ceiling all together, but its drywall ugh. Anyone actual mount a HID onto a 2x4? Running out of...