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    Texassistan and Jade Helm!

    I'm still fucking laughing at this one! Chuck Norris and his bubba squad are out in full force! I bet they win this imaginary battle against the Feds. LOL
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    Seen at Cpac. lol
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    Fox new Righties stop sucking Kock long enough to service Vladimir Putin.

    What's that saying? If you don't stand behind our troops you should stand in front of them? These guys are sure in love with Putin. Perhaps they would enjoy the status of thier profession from his country.
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    Less Goverment More Freedom

    I doubt the fools that proudly display this sticker on the back of their trucks realize that this is the Freedom you get with less goverment. Hope those facts don't have too liberal...
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    This GOP Congress will leave a BIG ugly stain on American history.

    Probably the same orange tint as john bohners winter tan. I mean c'mon what a bunch of Maroons. They're like the kluless klux klan flame suit on.
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    Blueberry, Coco, Smart pots test

    I just planted these clones last night. I've heard really good things about these fabric pots and thought I'd give them a try. It totally makes sense, and I expect them to outperform the plastic containers. But will they? I guess we'll soon see. I'll report my findings and answer any questions...
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    Sealed, Water cooled blueberry coco grow

    Here's a rundown on the setup: 4 x 8' x 64" Sealed Box partinioned into 4 x 5 flower and 3 x 4 utility. 1000 watt hps in a Fresca Sol water cooled jacket, hung vertically. 100 gal. rez with homebuilt chiller. Water Cooled CO2 Burner Air conditioner Dehumidifier Digigro grow room...