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  1. Kraakker

    New Michigan grower

    I'm the Kraakker he's referring to...haha, hello
  2. Kraakker

    Temp dropping to 35

    There fine dude...Amazing looking too hahaha
  3. Kraakker

    Bugs and Animals

    Great advice Johnny, We hunt occasionally, so we could go kill some stuff, and pile some bodies. Good nutrients too maybe? haha
  4. Kraakker

    Bugs and Animals

    Thanks a LOT jeffe! You have had the best answer thus far, I'm going to buy some of this stuff RIGHT NOW
  5. Kraakker

    Bugs and Animals

    Hey thanks Manhattan, we did Put up some line because one plant has thus far been trampled, we're not sure if it'sa gonna make it though. Theres a deer trail coming through the area, they don't really notice the plants, they just accidently trample on them. If this doesn't work, we're camping...
  6. Kraakker

    Bugs and Animals

    We layed the whole area down with mothballs....the whole area reeks, but hopefully this should keep small critters away? I hope to upload photos soon
  7. Kraakker

    Bugs and Animals

    well, A fence would be an obvious answer, however we don't really want people knowing we have these. And since fences are pretty easy to spot, that's already out, its either fishing line, or fox urine, possibly mothballs
  8. Kraakker

    Bugs and Animals

    Thanks for the tips, I've been peeing around the site as frequently as possible, And I'll try the Fishing Line Tonight.
  9. Kraakker

    (Man I Wish I Had A Catchy Title) MI outdoor grow (pics)

    Hey I grow in MI too, best of luck to you man!
  10. Kraakker

    Bugs and Animals

    Bump....this is an Emergency, The plants have only been outside for one night, and there are deer tracks all over. There not eating them, just nearly trampling them. We need good tips fast.
  11. Kraakker

    Bugs and Animals

    They were weird little red ants, I was worried about them, along with other animals, these plants are in a wooded area, so there are Animals all over
  12. Kraakker

    Bugs and Animals

    A Friend and I have decided to grow plants outdoors. This is our first grow ever, so we're kinda new to the whole ordeal. I was wondering how big of a threat Animals and Bugs are. While we were digging holes, we found lots of Ants. Could this be detrimental to the whole project? Any tips...