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  1. yourrob

    101 Already Asked Questions

    Thanks A lot that helped a novice like me! I have so many more questions but that answered probably 90% so thank you!!!! R
  2. yourrob

    High everyone!!!!

    This site seems to be great! I just got 6 clones (COLORADO) and I currently am trying outside during the day and at night under the T5 4ft light I have - Any help is apprec. They do not seem to be doing so hot though only had them two days (currently using revive to get them on the right track)...
  3. yourrob

    Quick and Simple Watering Question

    Hey guys I am a newb also! I wanted to know is taking them outside during the day and inside with a light ALL night ok? these are two day old clones (White Widow and Blueberry) I heard sun is the best if possible so I was doing a mixture of both - but my question lies if my temp is reading in...