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  1. H

    Leaves yellow at tips, eventually shrivel and die.

    Nothing special, potting soil mixed with 50% paralite and 15-10-15 nutes, diluted to about 50% the recommended strength. Might try some fish emulsion tonight see if that helps some.
  2. H

    Plants suffering from dried yellow leaves. please help

    You seem to be suffering from a similar issue as me: I think we're both dealing with an N deficiency. As for your other two questions I look forward to an answer...
  3. H

    Leaves yellow at tips, eventually shrivel and die.

    This is my first real grow, I've helped friends in the past but nothing like this on my own. So I started these plants from seed about a month and a half ago. I recently transplanted them into larger containers thinking perhaps they were root-bound. It seems like a nitrogen deficiency to me...
  4. H

    Starting Some Clones ... Looking for Advice

    These are the pictures from this morning. The cuttings really wilted last night, but they bounced back by this morning. I left them with the light off last night (read somewhere this helps reduce stress and lessens the chance of an air bubble) but from now on they're on 18/6... Unless you have...
  5. H

    Starting Some Clones ... Looking for Advice

    Alright, I really hope I am putting this in the correct place. This is my first attempt at cloning -- or I should say my first serious attempt. I have 4 plants, which I am about to bring to flower, and I decided to try to take some cuttings of these before hand to start a SoG grow next time...
  6. H

    Too Much Heat?

    Sorry, I thought I had subscribed to be notified when there were posts, but I must have made a mistake. Watering: I have a moisture sensor and water when it reads below a 5 at root level. That's ended up being about daily about 1 quart between 4 plants. Roots: I agree about transplanting; the...
  7. H

    Too Much Heat?

    This is my first grow, and I'm using CFL for Veg and going to be using HPS for flower. A few days ago, I noticed that some of the leaves were starting to yellow. Going through some of the symptoms here I thought maybe the closet was too warm. So I opened the door and the temperature has been...
  8. H

    New Totally Cheap CFL Grow

    Yes but won't I need 2500K bulbs for flowering? For those bulbs I have quite a few large CFL bulbs (as the light is yellow and normally used in a house). I even have some 30 and 40W CFLs at that temperature. It's just the 6500K ones, the bluish light doesn't have much other use so I didn't...
  9. H

    New Totally Cheap CFL Grow

    Thanks for the tips. I may put an exhaust fan in there to pull air out, as there is an old duct that goes right above the 'room' that I could tap into for the air exhaust. I thought about the 26W but I wanted to give it a shot with bulbs from the house, I may upgrade if I decide I want to try...
  10. H

    New Totally Cheap CFL Grow

    OK So I've been lurking around here for a long time and finally decided to get some things together for a grow. To keep it interesting I wanted to stick with only things I currently had in the house. I converted a closet in my weight room to a CFL Grow lab. I've spent a lot of time reading...
  11. H

    First Grow(pics)

    Hey, I just wanted to let you know. I'm just getting into growing. Been accumulating some of the supplies over the last few weeks, and ran into your thread. You've certainly set my mind at ease. It's good to see the fruits of labor can turn out looking so good. I'll ask a question I have...