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  1. G

    the Reagan Doctrine AKA The USA is a bunch of Hypocrites

    Surprise, Surprise...another right wing intellectual...guess he didn't hear about the U.S. troop withdrawal already in progress...and, oh yeah, Obama is the man getting us out of Iraq...hmmm...who was it that got us into the war with lies about weapons of mass destruction...wasn't that G.W.??
  2. G

    - palin for president in 2012 !!!!!!!!!!

    This thread is funny as hell...Palin for President...LMAO...glad to see the "right wing" has a sense of humor...ROFL...:)
  3. G

    what will really be our demise

    Dude, its not a secret if its on the Discovery Channel :)
  4. G

    Welcome to our Gangster Government ...

    Where were all of you "patriots" when Bush lied to Congress and the American people to send us to war in Iraq resulting in more needless deaths of Americans than the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center...or when Bush authorized illegal wiretaps on citizens 6 months before 9/11...
  5. G

    another EPIC FAILURE

    Hey Hanimmal, you forgot one: Bush: Traitor, War Criminal, Liar You're welcome!
  6. G

    well, I never thought I'd quit...

    Congratulations and good luck. People like PurpleKitty will continue enjoying their freedom because of courageous citizens like you. If it were not for people like you, we'd have to learn
  7. G

    A Glenn Beck Thread

    The far right are the ones that need their eyes opened. Every military service member has taken an oath to "protect and defend the constitution of the United States against enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC. Bush & Cheney are both liars & traitors. They are responsible for the deaths of more brave...
  8. G

    Kill the G%D damn Libs

    With people like Bush, Cheney and Gingrich speaking for the "conservatives", liberals don't even have to speak. These GOP fools do more to convert conservatives to liberals than anyone in the democratic party. Glad to see Subzero has distinguished himself as an icon for the uneducated.:roll:
  9. G

    Maintmans tribute to the M Blaze monster indoor trees

    :bigjoint: That polycarbonate is very strong, very clear...BUT, polycarbonate blocks UV light completely...not a good thing to have your light passing me...I've had years of optical training...just don't want to see you wastin' your time and money by blocking the UV from reaching...
  10. G

    Why America Must Prosecute War Crimes

    Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld are all guilty of lying to Congress, lying to the American people, killing more American citizens than 9/11, authorizing torture, violating the Constitution of the United States and other crimes. They should be stripped of their citizenship, and surrendered to the World...
  11. G

    Harvest pictures from my CFL grow

    Congrats...way to go
  12. G

    tips for spider mites

    Try some garlic powder (not garlic salt) and dryer sheets...spread garlic powder on top of a dryer sheet on top of the soil too (remove it when watering...nasty chemicals) rid of my gnats....
  13. G

    Okay, so I got about a can I eat it?

    Oh yeah, if you're not gettin' high off of the need to add more weed to the recipe...
  14. G

    Okay, so I got about a can I eat it?

    Boiling weed in water is a waste of weed...thc is NOT soluble in IS soluble in grain alcohol and in fat...just keep that in mind if you want to catch a buzz...
  15. G

    Why America Must Prosecute War Crimes

    The three best friends of democrats and libertarians are Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich. With these self-appointed GOP spokesmen presenting their self-centered ideology to the American people on a sickeningly frequent basis the impending doom of the GOP is assured. Bush, Cheney and...
  16. G

    male plants

    I'd cut-em-down then remove the leaves (do this away from your grow room) and vape some right some for later... and/or make cannabutter and have some great cookies...
  17. G

    What do liberals really want?

    Oh're so You read books, talk a good game, then you totally lose control of yourself...guess you don't like it when others have opinions different than yours...too bad...just keep on studying and maybe some day you'll achieve a level of maturity equal to your...
  18. G

    calling all americans

    I think the proper tip for a waitress is 20%, less if service is poor of course.
  19. G

    I thought Republicans were for deregulation...

    I think your definition is RIGHT ON! The GOP is pathetic...I've already wasted too much time just typing this...they are not worth the effort.