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  1. M

    Any ideas what this is?

    hello i just noticed these spots on my leaves. Do you think its nute burn, high ph or deficiency?? Thank you
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    PH Problems???
  3. M

    PH Problems???

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    PH Problems???

    i just started to notice these spots on the leaves. Been doing some reading i think it might be soil ph problems. im using peat moss soil, watering with 6.5 ph and using AN 2 part feeding program. any thoughts on what it might be?? Thank you
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    Heavier nutrient feed for CO2 enrichment?

    Hello if im using co2 enrichment and keeping my room at 1500ppm should i use a heavier nutrient feeding program? Thank you
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    Digital Ballast With Sentinel CHHC-1

    Has anyone ever used a Sentinel CHHC-1 with a digital ballast like the 600w Galaxy i have? i just orderd the chhc-1 and i just read that digital ballast interfere with these controllers.. anyone ever had problems i should know about. thank you
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    A/C Temp Controller

    Hello i would like to maintain my room temp at 78 degrees . is there any temp controller i can connect to my wall mounted a/c unit you recommend. i see alot of day night temp controllers on but they say their for vent fans.. can these be used connected to a a/c unit? Thanks
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    A/c question

    Hello im wondering if i use a a/c unit in m y grow room does that eliminate the necessity of a air cooled hood? or should i use both?
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    Co2 enrichment dangers

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    Co2 enrichment dangers

    Hello im about to purchase a CO2 Tank and ppm controller but i was wondering if there might be any dangers involved with this?? could the tank suddenly explode or take off and cause damage or anything like that i should know about?
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    How to measure 0.173ml?

    any other ways?
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    How to measure 0.173ml?

    hello im using advanced nutirents and on the chart it says to use 0.15ml, 0.173ml, 0.08ml of barricade.. what exactly do i use to get these measurements?? cant find anything tahts measures 0.173 or 0.08ml thank you
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    Passive intake filter

    ok my grow room is dimensions are 7 ft(L)x 5 ft(W)x 7 ft(H) and im using and soler & palau 293/218cfm exhaust and i plan on cutting out 2 8" holes at the bottom of the door for passive intake.. does anyone know any good ideas on how to filter a passive intake so i wount get bugs and...
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    Soil PH adjustment.

    Hello i just bought a bale of a soilless mix and on the info sheet it says it has a ph of 5.5-5.8.. Im using Advanced Nutrients and on the feed chart it says to keep soil ph at 6.3.. so i looks like i need to raise the ph of my mix... ive been reading that dolomite lime should do this but i...
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    Transplanting question?

    I was wondering if transplanting has any benefits.. if im using a soilless mix can i just start seeds in 4 or 5 gallon pots and never transplant.. or do i need to start in a small pot and transplant 2-3 times? Thank you
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    SUPER SUN 2 Reflector Question

    Does anyone know if these reflectors come with the "V" Hangers or do i have to order these? separately? cant find that info on their page
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    Actino-Iron biological fungicide!

    Hi everyone.. just wanted to know if anyone ever heard about this.. The soilless mix i find in my area comes with or without this.. What would be better for my grow? planing on using beneficial microorganisms. i found that its effective against diseases such as black rot, brownpatch,and other...
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    Should i use Cal Mag?

    Thanks alot again! very impressed with help people are willing to give here
  19. M

    Should i use Cal Mag?

    THANK YOU. OK lets say during the seeding and early vegetive growth cycle that im not using any AN nutes just fresh water, should i add Calmag to that R/O water?