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  1. B

    Plants images... 45gg e 24gg

    hehe at least i was right on something! ^^' is there any lightcycle that should be better for them maybe?
  2. B

    Plants images... 45gg e 24gg

    being auto flowering (lowryder2) i believe it was going to make no big difference the light cycle
  3. B

    Plants images... 45gg e 24gg

    i am on 16-8 at the moment
  4. B

    Plants images... 45gg e 24gg

    15 days until the 2 months age (that should be the lifecicle of the plant approximatively, from what said on the "instructions") As i said i never grown before... i raised three males, this was looking pretty different so i tought it was a female... but seems i was wrong so, may i ask an...
  5. B

    Plants images... 45gg e 24gg

    Yes i know hps are better, but i had to use cfl (i took envirolite to have decent cfl and are 250w+125w should be enough for that little space...) because of temperatures, this way they are already quite high. I'll probably buy an hps when winter falls then i will have much less heat problems...
  6. B

    Plants images... 45gg e 24gg

    The "main" plant is coming nearer to the end of cicle... what worries me is the fact the leaves are very curly (problem that seems temperature related, i am now lowering the temps) and dark... i hope to see it ready in 15 more days or so (lowryder2) The other two are coming nice even if one...
  7. B

    Recognize sex... please help

    They were lowryder#2 5 feminized seed "the joint doctor's" the last plant seems female at least, i'll post a pic when i can :( i am quite sad, i'll try non feminized seeds next time, if the difference is that insignificant at least i'll pay half the price :(
  8. B

    Recognize sex... please help

    Sigh... that means 3 out of 5 feminized seeds have been MALES... is that normal !? 1 out of 5 is dead... and ok happens.... i have one plant left, i will post it too to ask if it is another male.... ç_ç
  9. B

    Recognize sex... please help

    All of your answers have helped me a lot last time... instead of opening a new thread i decided to try reuding this since the question is the same... but the plant is younger this time, it is already possibile to recognize the sex of this one? I have difficulties understandings if it is...
  10. B

    Recognize sex... please help

    It is my very first time and it was my very first time just seeing a mj plant (to explain why i had such difficulties on understanding the sex and why i preferred to ask when i got the doubt)... I wish i could clone but i have no space for that at the moment, so i decided trying from seeds...
  11. B

    Recognize sex... please help

    Yes they are from lowryder 2 feminizied seeds... really sucks... i am going to plant another two... let's hope in a better fate
  12. B

    Recognize sex... please help

    May i reuse the terrain or it is a bad idea? (it has 30 days approx) just because i finished it :P or i shall go and buy some new?
  13. B

    Recognize sex... please help

    Thanks for the help it is better to now and learn at least... i have 2 questions... 1- having plantend feminized seeds i did not expeted to have 2 males of 2 seeds... i am a little disappointed, is it possibile i have done something wrong to obtain this result or it is just misfortune? 2- I...
  14. B

    Recognize sex... please help

    Shit... and i took Feminized seeds for what? 2/5 are males... i have 3 already to try with ç_ç in the fridge...
  15. B

    Recognize sex... please help

    It is my first experience and so i have problems determining sex of plants. I tried searching the net but i did not found really clear explanations about how to recognize them so i would like to ask you.... (see attachments) Are they male or females? Thanks for any help!
  16. B

    Help with Very little space

    I wish i had the space right now... but space is that i cannot get more loosing all the stealthyness :( and the problem is not the temperature but the price i am trying staying low as much as i can because it is not really a great moment ^^ i plan to get better materials when possible
  17. B

    Help with Very little space

    i am still fighting with the choice of right illumination kind... up to now i am quite convinced going for 4x23w 6500k and 4x42w 2700k Since i may go with autofolwering plants probaby i can also not use less of the 6500 since they have almost no vegetative time... Or i may go with one...
  18. B

    Help with Very little space

    i am still fighting with the choice of right illumination kind... up to now i am quite convinced going for 4x23w 6500k and 4x42w 2700k Since i may go with autofolwering plants probaby i can also not use less of the 6500 since they have almost no vegetative time... Or i may go with one 250hps...
  19. B

    Micro Grow sub-forum added under Grow Room Design

    Oh well i am going to try going micro so i'm in!
  20. B

    Help with Very little space

    I will do surely thanks! anyway, my concern is not to grow a great quantity of it, even suceeding in growing one or two plants would make me very happy, i do this most for the joy for simply doing it :)