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    Illinois HB 2514

    This is the list for California ? Or the list to be used by the state of Illinois ? I have not read all the details of the bill that passed our state senate today. ANd am eager to see what ailments will be included for Illinois MMJ.

    So Illinois SB 1381 What Us With This

    GREAT NEWS ! Just passed the IL state senate !!! Now it goes to the House Our state house currently has: 70 Democrats 48 Republicans Shouldn't be a problem to get it thru the house. Our Governor, Pat Quinn, is a liberal democrat from Oak Park (1st suburb from the westside of Chi)...

    Illinois HB 2514

    Also, question for posters in states where MMJ patients are currently allowed to grow their own medicine: 1. The limit on plants in finite, but is their a limit on size or light wattage? 2. the limit on weight allowed in the home, this only applies to cut and dried cannabis, and not what is...

    Illinois HB 2514

    Yes it will, and I hope they choose to include adult onset insomnia and migraine headaches (mine are from TMJ) to the list of ailments.

    California to legalize!

    This is excellent advice about sataying in home state and organizing legalization efforts in each state, and using the numbers coming out of Cali as leverage in that organoized effort. But there is one key difference regarding the nature of the Grapes of Wrath comparison. It is not time...

    California to legalize!

    Apologies mods, but I figured best to have posts in the more established thread. Tip that first historic Domino, California. :peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace:

    CALIFORNIA to Legalize weed for everyone

    Private industry will do so much work breeding for fiber content, energy coefficient for fuels, due to larger immediate market than for any other uses of the plant. They will need to stock up on seed from all different hemp and ruderalis variety/similar other varieties, SO, SEEDBANKS, you...

    CALIFORNIA to Legalize weed for everyone

    I will sell my business and move from the Chi to southern Cali sticks and buy acres and pay whatever it costs to legally grow every strain I want to OUTDOORS and indoors on those acres and breed with lots of phenos grown out to full maturity to choose from, I don't give a d@mn how many others do...

    illinois marijuna laws, true false?

    According to section 10 "definitions" A person who was formerly convicted of felony possession for more than 2 ounces would be ineligible for this program? Even if the offense was expunged after completing probation?:confused:
  10. DULLAH

    *WANTED* UVB Growers with experience

    Are all Mercury Vapor lights made from Quartz instead of silicate glass ? And what is the safety level of mercury vapor? Are there manufacturer's of large high wattage reptile lights? Are reptile lights themselves filled with Mercury Vapor ? How about tanning bed lights? These are quartz...
  11. DULLAH

    Illinois Medical Marijuana bill introduced.

    Alright, that seems more like the sensible sort of thing I was expecting. But I wouldn't put it past a representative with a Bias or grudge to insist on inserting language making the surrendering of one's license a prerequisite.:twisted:
  12. DULLAH

    Illinois Medical Marijuana bill introduced.

    Which representative wrote that into the language? And what was the exact language? It can't possibly indicate a full revoking of all driving rights, maybe just a provision that states to not drive within an 8-hour period or something? And a full revoke of the driver's license and MMJ...