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  1. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Speeding ticket

    Speeding ticket today. $200 and 35 demerit points..... looks like I wont be getting high for a while
  2. youmustfindthejademonkey

    US GOV : Medical Pot - ILLEGAL, Spending 350K to TERRIFY NYC - LEGAL

    Have Americas government officials got nothing better to do than plan out shit like this? People actually got paid to think up this shit.... Maybe this was Obamas big plan to save the economy..........
  3. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Anyone else notice the Swine Flu only kills Mexicans?

    I died from Swine Flu and I'm not Mexican......
  4. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Get it out!!!

    oh no! Ive got the tetris music stuck in my head. Make it stop!!
  5. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Mines bigger than yours....

    oh yeah, mines not that big. I was just trying to think up a classy title.....
  6. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Mines bigger than yours....

    Hey everyone. Just wondering who here has the biggest bong? Post yours pics and lets find out whos is the biggest.
  7. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Sexiest Female Singer Today...

    Beth Gibbons. Hottest woman ever. I want to kidnap here and hide her from the world and she will be mine mwuahahahahahaha.
  8. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Best Album?

    Hey guys. Whats your best album to listen to while high? Obviously it comes down to personal prefernce but yeah. It has to be a whole album from start to finish. Right now im listening to the white album. and its fucking crazy. whats yours?
  9. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Whats your favourite thing to do?

    I know everyones got different shit so whats your favourite thing to do while stoned? You can only choose one so choose wisely. For me, I like to watch movies. In particular fantasy movies like Pans Labyrinth or Terry Pratchetts The Hogfather. Fucking crazy shit. So anyway, whats your...
  10. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Post Your Poetry

    j h and creppy.....awesome work. holy shit. i just sat for like 5 minutes just doing nothing and thinking about the trippin...
  11. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Kia Ora

    Shoulda said from the uk........Ill blame the weed lol
  12. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Kia Ora

    Im down in Hawkes Bay. Been here for a few years now. Moved over for the UK.
  13. youmustfindthejademonkey

    God has sacrificed himself so we...

    you mean weed is made out of god? I guess it would explain the awesome powers of weed.
  14. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Is There An Afterlife?

    If this is it then I want my money back.
  15. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Shitty time in my life right now

    I started smoking weed when I was 16....I guess you could blame peer presure. Well.....not really blame. I guess thank would be more the word. Although it might have been a good idea to actually finish school and not drop out....oh well. It all worked out in the end.
  16. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Shitty time in my life right now

    your friends beat you up? You need new friends. Sucks about the law. Keep your head up though. Shit will turn out alright. And if it gets real bad just come on down to new zealand....everyones into weed down here....just come chill with me.....shit will be all good.... peace
  17. youmustfindthejademonkey

    The virus is here folks!

    Im ready for lockdown. Got my dvds. Got my weed. All set.
  18. youmustfindthejademonkey

    lost my job :(

    Sorry to hear about people loosing there jobs. Its kinda strange how you hear about hundreds of job losses on the news but you dont think about the impact on the individuals. Everyone keep your head up and stay positive. Peace and love.
  19. youmustfindthejademonkey


    Hey everyone. Im in the market for a new bong and was wondering what sort i should go for? Is it worth shelling out mega bucks or should i got for a cheapie and spend the rest on weed? Is there much difference in a $50 bong and a $500? How different is glass to accrylic or wood or whatever? Ive...
  20. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Grow Site Busted!!!

    I think the bear suit idea is the best so far. Either that or buy a dog and then loose it and then just claim your going to look for your dog which you lost. Anyway, good luck getting your plants back safely :)