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    Harvesting ETA? *Pics Updated*

    Alright this will be my first successful plant so im excited.. Doing pretty good at being a newbie and keeping the "Hands Off" havent touched her at all as far as trying to get a sample yet.
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    Harvesting ETA? *Pics Updated*

    Its been flowering for 49 Days.. 7 weeks.. under 6x 2700K 23w CFLs. It looks about 40 Amber / 60 White Hairs and i dont have the $ For a Microscope to check the triches perfectly.. only a magnifying glass. Just wondering what other people think.. Id say 1 week to 10 Days but i dont have much...
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    DIY Aeroponics made easy! (and <$40)

    Alrighty the sprayer was working fine from what i saw but since your the creator.. I'll try it out.. Awesome setup btw.:hump:
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    DIY Aeroponics made easy! (and <$40)

    Bwahaha 39.56 Total
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    End of Life Cycle / Harvesting Questions

    By that i mean only like 2 or 3 on the whole plant so far that ive notice.. I mainly put that there as a "Plant is doing fine" Kinda thing.. Also thank you for all the information and i realize i cannot be "Taught" how to harvest, what works, and everything else.. But this is my first...
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    End of Life Cycle / Harvesting Questions

    Ok you had some good information there but honestly nothing i was looking for.. First Thank you for your input.. Now.. What im really looking for is.. Ive got a plant 44 Days into flowering.. Going perfectly well no problems buds swelling trichs ambering.. Im wondering.. IF i plant to...
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    End of Life Cycle / Harvesting Questions

    Alright ive read a lot of posts and F.A.Qs and seen questions answered which are somewhat like mine but not exactly.. 1. When does a Plant sense its own death comming? Is it around harvesting time? or is that merely the time when *People* want to end the plants life cycle? Aka.. if left alone...
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    How 2 Switch to 12/12? Plz Help!!!

    Not sure i understand the first question other than.. chaning the timing on your Timer if you are using one.. Aka.. 10 AM to 4AM = 18/6 | 10 AM to 10PM = 12/12... and Molassas.. make sure its unsulphered.. and i use 1 Tsp per 1 Gal Water ever *Other* watering.. though some use 2tsp per 1 Gal...
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    They female? ....Or are they male? +rep for help

    :leaf: Alrighty.. it will show soon.. Like i said.. when it actually shows signs of sex.. you will be able to tell no problem.. Give it a few days and you'll know. :leaf:
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    They female? ....Or are they male? +rep for help

    Its too soon.. When its old enough to tell its sex.. its very obvious weither its Male/Female.. My plant was.. looked at it one day and instantly could tell it was female. Just keep an eye on those nodes. How old is the plant and are you flowering it yet? or waiting for Preflowers?
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    5 plants ive grown over the months.....

    Are you using Soil? i had the same problem with a very acidic soil that had Nutes already in it.. Would kill them because they were too young to handle the Nutes.
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    flowering 1 plant with cfls?

    heres my flowering Set up with CFLs.. 6X 23W 2700k Plant is doing great.. If that helps you at all
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    Do you socialize with your plants?

    I'll talk to mine when i give em attention such as rotating them in the light or watering them.. Or when i randomly check up on them to make sure there is no trouble.. Who knows.. maybe plants pick up on Positive energy? Other forms of life do and react accordingly..
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    what are these? or just the hairs from shoots

    4th Picture.. higher Left Node looks like the begining of a pistil there.. Not 100% but thats my guess.
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    1st time grower lives and learns...

    I started out with MG 3 Month release like an idiot.. Killed all my plants.. Switched to MG Organic and flushed the soil 1nce before i planted.. Havent had any Nut problems since.. Though if you have the money for better soil.. Get better soil.. I only used MG cause it was all i had access to.
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    Hows She Looking / Remaining Time.

    Im using Molassas and "Bloom Booster" 15-30-15 at 1/4 Strength
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    Hows She Looking / Remaining Time.

    Alrighty thanks for the info :bigjoint:
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    Curning Container Question.

    Alrighty.. Thanks for all the Tips/Info :bigjoint:
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    Curning Container Question.

    Alrighty.. the glass jar is a fail then.. So the plastic wont affect anything negatively as long as its Air Tight and Odorless?
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    Gotcha... Learn something new everyday :dunce: