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  1. J

    Need help with my girl. (pics)

    Any other help!!
  2. J

    Need help with my girl. (pics)

    I this is one of my plants, this is the problem as you can see on the pic there is like a big brown stain. this plant is getting rain water and is outdoor. any help please!
  3. J

    male or female ?

    dude are you serious? reed first after posting men.NO you cant go into flowering with that plants.They are to young plus they look like they have ph problems so you should check the ph of ur water
  4. J

    male or female ?

    Dude you need to wait.your plant will show the sex when you put the plant into 12/12. The only way you can know the sex of a plant before going to 12/12 is if you have a autoflower strain.
  5. J

    What Nutes should I use with my plants.(pics)

    Hi this are my plants they are growing outdoor and they are like 3 weeks old.Right now I am giving to the plants 20-20-20 nutes every 5 days.I want to know if they need now others nutes or it will be fine with the 20-20-20??:hug:
  6. J

    What nutes should I use with my plants. (pics)

    Any help!!!???????????????????
  7. J

    What nutes should I use with my plants. (pics)

    Hi this are my plants they are growing outdoor and they are like 3 weeks old.Right now I am giving to the plants 20-20-20 nutes every 5 days.I want to know if they need now others nutes or it will be fine with the 20-20-20??
  8. J

    What is to top your plant? When can I top my plant

    I want to know what is to top your plant and when a plant can be top..My friend told me that if I topped my plant she will grow faster
  9. J

    Raining all Day???? What should I do

    Hi I am from Puerto Rico and today it was a day that it was raining all day,the rain was not heavy was a very light raint and small drops the problem is that it was like constant raining,if its stops was only like for 3 hours but then it started to rain again.My question is do this do damage to...
  10. J

    Flowering Problem

    Meraaaaa tipoooo yoo tengo mis plantas en el techoo de mi casa y crecen super bien y cogen como 14 o 15 horas de sol trata a ver ponlas en tu techo
  11. J

    Having my plants in my roof is a good idea??

    I live in Puerto Rico and I been living here all my life and I never have seen an helicopter even close to my house. The question is if it will be good to the plants??
  12. J

    Having my plants in my roof is a good idea??

    Hi i got 5 plants, they are 2 1/2 weeks.Would it be a good idea to put my plants in the roof of my house where they recive direct sunlight without any shadow.
  13. J

    Its in the title

  14. J

    I have pictures is it really weed??

    dude use
  15. J

    I have a Newby question ahah

    Dude when you post look down and where it says attachments there you can upload the picture..But if you say that the plant have like seeds pockets then the plant you stole is a Male
  16. J

    Flowering Problem

    Afuegooo yo soy de Puerto Rico donde eres...Yo soy de San Juan
  17. J

    Nute Help

    How often do you give the 20-20-20 to the plants.Every day?
  18. J

    Ph of water

    Oh I ask because of your avatar picture.the Puerto rico flag is in all of the leaf of ur avatar.By the way I am from Puerto Rico thats why I ask...Boricua de pura sepa ya tu sabes representando aquii!
  19. J

    Nute Help

    20-20-20 will work for my plant?
  20. J

    Ph of water

    Dude are you from Puerto Rico??