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  1. L

    New Stuff that Kills Spider Mites Dead

    Listen up people new shit on the market called "That stuff" Mighty wash". Quit killing yourselfs and other with Avid, and all the other shit we spray on our weed. Most grow stores do not even know what this shit is....but everyone will soon. Trust and old stoner and give it a shot. No I'm not a...
  2. L

    "That Stuff" Mighty Wash? Kills Mites Dead

    Sprayed it one time 6 wks into flower have not seen a mite in 7 days this shit works, Folks at grow store reports you can drink it out of the jug or use it as bong water. I don't know about that but the bugs are dead. The jug reports 99.9% H2O with freqency infused into the water, way over my...
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  4. L

    Growing in the rain

    I"m looking for info on growing pot outdoors in the Washington State area. What strains grow best? It has to be finished before the second wk. of Oct. Are their truly strains that are less likely to mold(big problem here):hump: Last year I grew from bag seed. It was about 1st of Aug. my...