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  1. camo

    Your input on a whole Family puffing.

    I meant i think it would help her. She was diagnosed three years ago and has tried many different things to help her but none seem to work.
  2. camo

    iran or n korea? where would you rather go to war?

    What havent they done for me lately? freedom, safety, a place to work and make a living. mmmmmmmm sounds pretty fair to me what else do you want? to run the government? By any means i don't think our country is perfect but it sure does seem a lot better than what is out there. Just because you...
  3. camo

    iran or n korea? where would you rather go to war?

    So everyone just loves to talk down about their own country and their government? seems to me that people have forgotten that you live here on pure will and if you do not agree or like it you can move to somewhere else. Now all decisions made by our leaders and government may not be right but it...
  4. camo

    First time grow, Having a few problems pics included

    I wasnt using nutes because the soil supposedly is suppose to feed up to three months. But since it seemed to be getting worse i ran to the store and picked up some MG. Not what i prefer but all i could find at that hour.
  5. camo

    First time grow, Having a few problems pics included

    Changed my Ph but it still is continuing to get worse any ideas?
  6. camo

    Lets see your pets.

    German Shepherds and Siberian Huskies are the shit. my pups.
  7. camo

    First time grow, Having a few problems pics included

    I thought that was why the stem was that color but my buddy is a dipshit and said he read that it was bad. Also im messing with the pH today i hope it works, thanks.:joint:
  8. camo

    post your smoking utensil

    Here are my babies
  9. camo

    Desert Island

    some spaghetti with no sauce and some garlic butter is always delicious
  10. camo

    Dealer, Please

    Is that for headies? definitely had to pay 400 a ounce for headies before but i wont pay more then a 100 for and ounce of mids and i definitely wont spend of 200 on green. But it just comes down to what your connects are getting it for. Thats why im trying to grow.
  11. camo

    Your input on a whole Family puffing.

    Lol college? its not that bad we smoke right in the dorm room. The cops just ask you to take it somewhere else if they bust you. But for the parents im 20 my mother just started letting me smoke in the house she once busted me with a bag of oregno when i was 13 and grouded me for a year so she...
  12. camo

    Your input on a whole Family puffing.

    I smoked with my uncle for the first time last year then it was all up hill from there i am an open stoner with my parents they even helped me pack my bong up for school, Also smoke blunts with my sister right in the living room with my mom but i gotta say it was strict as hell until i turned...
  13. camo

    Desert Island

    1. Jessica Alba 2. Pepperoni Pizza 3. Tom Petty Greatest Hits 4. Northern Lights :peace: :peace: :peace:
  14. camo

    Who's tokin?

    Welcome to riu man. bunch of knowledge make sure you soak some up :peace:
  15. camo

    Dealer, Please

    I understand your pain if you are paying 20 a g on anything but headies. You can get an ounce of mids for 70 up here especially during the right season but lately all the dirt bags have been trying to sell me 3.5 for 35 so i just went back to smoking headies. A couple of my boys deal on and off...
  16. camo

    How much did you get back on your taxes?

    Only got back 300 but only work during the summer going to school full time.:weed:
  17. camo

    Disabled in Cali

    Ha Ha i hope you arent smoking and flying the only way i would go along with that is if i were able to be in the cockpit hitting the joint with ya. Sorry to hear about the pain but on the other hand i am happy for you now you can experience smoking weed in the u.s legally. Hope all is well pce...
  18. camo

    I think i have some mids on my hands

    LOL definitely agree. But here is how i look at it that is definitely mids looks like brick weed to me but you are going to get stoned either way so you might as well go with the bong. If you dont have one go with the bowl, 4.6g is only 2 maybe three good blunts but with a bowl you could rip...
  19. camo

    Do you use pot for medical purposes or recreational purposes?

    I smoke about an 8th a day for recreational use. I love being high it just makes my days that much better hence why im trying to get my mother who has m.s to start smoking with me. Shes always in pain and cant take pain killers because they make her sick, she said she use to smoke all the time...
  20. camo

    I need a new drug

    Hey man we have all been down that shitty path but like everyone is saying stay away from the hard shit its just going to put you even farther down on your self. My priceless cure for depression is sober up for a day or so and chill with your friends. Friends will get you through everything but...