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  1. 420sedrostoner

    250 watt hps

    yah i just found some bud i wanna grow its called aura never heard of the seed shop tho its called weed seed shop i found it on youtube they have cronic buds but idk
  2. 420sedrostoner

    250 watt hps

    i see well im dealin with a small grow closet also just bigg enough for an hps tho but do u know any good seed banksbesides nirvana that ships to the us?
  3. 420sedrostoner

    250 watt hps

    im gettin stoked lol i looked at the journal and kept sayin dammm lol did u get them from a seed site
  4. 420sedrostoner

    250 watt hps

    1 more thing u grew black berry i wanted to grow that but i have never smoked it seen in person hows the smoke
  5. 420sedrostoner

    250 watt hps

    thanks man much love
  6. 420sedrostoner

    250 watt hps

    well im lookin to buy a new set up and i was wondering how much would that be and if it would be better than a bunch of cfls cuz i have like 6 100 watt cfls and i didnt really like them to much and i here everybody using hps so leave me some advise and that would be tight
  7. 420sedrostoner


    some great help here lol well if u do drop some info it would be much apeisheated
  8. 420sedrostoner


    well i have about 10 seeds at my house and they r just bag seeds but im lookin for some good femanized seeds b ut i dont want alot just like 5 and i plan to just keep cloning them so i was wondering whats a good seed company that will ship to the u.s. but insant pricey