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  1. W

    UK Monster Grow - Swiss Cheese

    how did this get on....does anybody know....
  2. W

    sugar and yeast create CO2?

    hi peeps...whats the ratio for the water/sugar/yeast
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    cheers to this website...still finding my feet
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    Humidity too low?

    DaBeatGoezOn you seem to know what ur on about so just a quick queston please mate as im 2 weeks into my first growing in a 1m square tent with a 600w light...iv got fans on etc... but with the light on the humidity drops to between 29 and 35 and temp to between 25 and 30....IS THIS...
  5. W


    Hi people...please im just starting my first grow room in a 1m square tent, with the light on my humidity is between 29-35 and temp between 25 and 30, with light off(600w by the way)the humidity is between 45 and 55 and temp drops to between 21 and25, cutting's come through very well...