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  1. T

    HELP!! with my theory.

    Fuckin lst is lookin pretty good right now...
  2. T

    HELP!! with my theory.

    Thanks brahs
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    HELP!! with my theory.

    Would giving it less light be harmful either or could it even tell the plant to flower so early
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    HELP!! with my theory.

    So i wanna grow a plant to be about 1.5 feet tall max and the box has a pretty big width its like as wide as the base of a milk crate. So i had this idea and i wanted to ask if it made any sense in terms of the science behind growing marijuana which growers are somewhat familiar with... If my...
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    Stealth Grow Box

    i have done a stealth gro box and with stealth being key. i got a small cardboard box and put a florescant light in it. it helped me learn and never got found out because it just looked liek a cardboard box... i suggest for working out the kinks maybe a second time around to get a bigger box...
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    topping and regenerating

    can i regenerate a plant with the top buds of the plant? this plant only has one main stem with fan leaves and buds growing at the nodes. In the middle of flowering the top portion of the stem got accidentally chopped off and the two buds at the highest fan leaves grew out the stems pretty long...
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    EMergency plan, to not get caught

    Well if that is what life is like with a landlord (i dont have one) plus if its like a one bedroom apartment with little space to really even account for and the landlord likes to like invade privacy and personally view evry inch of the apartment then keep up your security precautions and standards
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    What do i do??

    i have a plant about a foot tall which was only meant to be a small personal stealth grow box plant but its stem got bent in half about 8 inches up and everything above that point became dried out and dead. so now i have a plant 8 inches tall with 8 total nodes where budding is occuring...
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    any advice on whats wrong with my plant??

    i have a plant in a stealth grow box. I just replanted it from a small flower pot to a bigger flower pot and its about a foot tall. Its a small grow its in flowering at the moment and ever since i replanted it the leaves have been turning yellow and dieing. the stalk towards the top broke in...
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    Should i harvest????

    i have been growing this plant for like 7 months now and i started flowering it like 4 and a half months ago later i found out it had nitrogen toxicity which also makes the buds grow in skinny and wierd. so i flushed it with clear water and i was pleased to see that it speeded up flowering...
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    should i harvest

    i have been growing this plant for like 7 months now and i started flowering it like 4 and a half months ago later i found out it had nitrogen toxicity which also makes the buds grow in skinny and wierd. so i flushed it with clear water and i was pleased to see that it speeded up flowering and...
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    any advice with watering??

    thanks a lot
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    any advice with watering??

    i like to consider myself a pretty good grower as the plant i have grown had normal childhoods with good leaves and pretty good flowering with no mistakes except for nirogen toxicity which i have learned my lesson from and which i had to and still do have to do a lot of flushing for. In...
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    Spanking Kids

    I think hitting children is an interesting and complex issue. when a kid does something wrong many old people and parent say "that kid deserves a smack" not because they think hitting kids is like a tool in raising them but they think that when a kid does something wrong the anger level the...
  15. T

    help!! my leaves are dieing!!

    here is a picture
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    help!! my leaves are dieing!!

    i have a plant thats a few weeks into flowering. I gave it no more than 12 hours of light a day since its a sprout because i was doing sea of green in a very small grow box but the others turned out to be male. now its grown and about a 12.5 inches. all of the fan leaves have for about a few...
  17. T

    i fear my plant may never finish flowering

    well i have grown a few plants indeed using basicly soil and miracle grow at levels which i at least tried to keep mild to nothing but i guess it didnt work out... keeping the plants in a very small grow box with a pretty high spectrum flourescant is pretty basic or below basic i havent really...
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    i fear my plant may never finish flowering

    how do i do the ph water?
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    i fear my plant may never finish flowering

    fungi is not a problem nothing has shown up and i do open the box every day and sometimes leave it open with the light on aswell. im gonna start watering it clean water because i cant find any phosphorous ferts in my stores and i wanna flush it.
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    i fear my plant may never finish flowering

    complete darkness in its 12 hours off time its in a box