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  1. P

    Under-canopy light on the cheap.

    Ya, if I line these guys up right it will only add maybe 50 PPFD oh well.
  2. P

    Under-canopy light on the cheap.

    Ya the visibility difference is phenomenal when watering. I really think once I redo the tent and wrap them around the polls they will be worth something for growth. Really the cheapness and quality of the lights made me want to try it more then anything.
  3. P

    Under-canopy light on the cheap.

    It's gotta be close to 100w it has a diode every 3/4" and is 50 feet long so around 70 diodes. Given it was only $34 I feel like it's a fun experiment just to try, even though realistically I'm looking at less then 1% gains on yeald. It is also nice since it's hanging out of my tent some and...
  4. P

    Under-canopy light on the cheap.

    I don't know if it will make a difference but it's 100 watts, made my hoeky phone lux meter show 1300 lux in places that used to be 400 lux and could be arranged way better with a fresh grow but I was 2 weeks into flower when I thought to look so wrapping it around the bottom was a chore. I...
  5. P

    Why am I getting Brown Rust blotches?

    I bet overwater is right, I've been spritizng the leaves and we just had a lot of rain, and those 20 gallon pots hold a ton of water. The soil is some combination of Promix Organic Garden and FoxFarms Ocean forest plus some miracle grow or something random I was feeling at the time but they all...
  6. P

    Why am I getting Brown Rust blotches?

    My seeds are just a few weeks old and developing brown splotches on the leaves. Anybody have an idea? The closest I could find were pictures of Boron deficiency due to incorrect PH.