Search results

  1. rckstr

    Legal Bud Smoke Shop - International Oddities

    They are more expensive, but some of them WILL get you high. That spice stuff, will get you high. It feels identical to being high on weed. And it doesn't show up on a piss test, that's why I use it occasionally. But it's really expensive for what you get. Effective at small doses, but...
  2. rckstr

    nitrous tank ?'s

    Nothing wrong with indiscreet. And that's good ur not trying to get in an argument, cuz it's a waste of fucking time. Dont be a dick to me, it's not cool. Everybody in here is a different person, embrace that. I tried telling you what I know, you didn't have to shoot me down like I'm a piece...
  3. rckstr

    nitrous tank ?'s

    Wow cool, I really don't care. Take my advice for what it's worth then.... Sorry I even fucking tried to help you. And I'm proud of the fact that I can do shit like that, and not have to do it every day all day. I'm proud of the fact that addiction can't control me, and that I can use drugs...
  4. rckstr

    nitrous tank ?'s

    It most certainly can... How? I don't know, but I know it is possible. I knew a guy who did that before. He used to have 2 bottles in the back of his car - one was hooked up to his motor, the other one had the food grade stuff in it. This was quite a few years ago so I'm trying to pull this...
  5. rckstr

    Killer Ass Mushie Grow Bags!

    Ok so let me get this straight... In order to grow some bad ass mushies, I buy one of those bags on ebay, a syringe from ralpshspores, and that's it?? Inject the spores into the bag, put the bag in a warm dark place until the mycelium grows around it, and at that point, put it in a tote or...
  6. rckstr

    anyone ever heard of red rock opium?

    Hey I found a whole pound of it on ebay for $44.99...
  7. rckstr

    Hey thanks man! Actually, I do have family out on the east coast. My mom and bro live near...

    Hey thanks man! Actually, I do have family out on the east coast. My mom and bro live near Philadelphia. I'm gonna be heading out there this summer over 4th of July. You near there at all??
  8. rckstr

    Persian White Poppies (DWC, and Soil)

    Wow... That very same day you told me to start them in a jiffy dome I went out and bought one. The next day I put it together, filled it with water, and let it sit and soak it all up. The following day, I loaded it with seeds, and put it somewhere dark. Now today I look at it, and they're...
  9. rckstr

    best ethnobotanical that works?

    chew kratom? Ish... Well, maybe if you had a live tree with fresh leaves. Those can be hard to come by around here. It tastes absolutely terrible... Like I said in my post, the best way is Toss N Wash or Shake N Chug. Take a couple teaspoons of bali, pour in some orange juice, gatorade...
  10. rckstr


    know what? You guys are a BUNCH of piece of shit hypocrites!!!!!!!! You think WEED is the answer to all problems??? It most fucking certainly is not...... COCAINE is a SCHEDULE II drug.... MARY FUCKING JANE is a SCHEDULE I drug..... Get caught with MJ??? Worse than COKE!!!! Don't...
  11. rckstr


    FUCK YOU........ And the horse you rode in on!!!!!!
  12. rckstr

    best ethnobotanical that works?

    You are TOTALLY speaking my language here.... Kratom is THA SHIT!!! It's NOT an opiate, however, it hits opiate receptors, and makes you feel like you took a couple hydrocodone. Similar affects, constipation, shit like that. And it does have withdrawl symptoms too, if you take extracts and...
  13. rckstr


    Some of you are extremely judgmental, and downright ridiculous. I've been a member for less than a fucking week - way to make a guy feel welcome.... DRUGS are DRUGS.... Weed dealers know coke dealers.... Coke dealers know smack dealers... Smack dealers know pharm dealers.... That's just...
  14. rckstr

    so..i found this
  15. rckstr

    Legal Bud Smoke Shop - International Oddities

    It might be illegal in Canada. If a legal substitute is illegal in a certain country or state, those companies will refuse to ship to orders in that area. Did you try ebay? Those people generally don't give a fuck. Depending on what part of Canada you are in, it might be worth making a trip...
  16. rckstr

    Ambien did me Dirty

    I was prescribed this stuff not long ago. It does work wonders to get me to sleep. However, there were 2 nights that apparently I did some really fucked up shit. I remember taking one... Apparently I took 2 more, and started playing guitar with "my band." I don't have a band... Apparently...
  17. rckstr


    Wow now you guys are telling me because I'm married that I should've stopped then?? BTW, it's 4 grams in 4 YEARS... not 4 months dude. A gram a month is wayyyyyy too much. My wife and I generally do it together... A gram will last the 2 of us about 5 days. I'll shoot up, come down, then...
  18. rckstr

    Poppy seeds

    it's easier to buy pods and make a tea out of it than grow your own. I recently did a search on ebay, and found lots of pots on there for about $1 each, in groups of 20-40, up to 200. However, you can also get papaver somniferum seeds on ebay,
  19. rckstr


    In Wisconsin, you don't need a prescription to buy disposable needles. You can get them at any pharmacy, U-100 insulin needles, 29-30 gauge. Use it once, throw it away. I still have the first box I ever bought. There's 100 needles in a box, and I know I still have at least 30 clean, sanitary...
  20. rckstr

    Legal Bud Smoke Shop - International Oddities

    the O.P.N isn't a marijuana sub. It's an opium sub. Legal Alternatives have come a LONG way since the 70's. I can't speak for something specifically to substitute weed, I agree that Spice will do just fine. However, if you're looking for a totally different kind of experience, try using...