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  1. D

    Should Fan Leaves be Trimmed?

    What about having multiple light sources, like having smaller lights angled towards either the bottom or middle parts of the plant that aren't getting light, would that be more effective in have strong plant growth and bud production than trimming leaves? It seems like it would work in a small...
  2. D

    New to Hydroponic Growing

    So then to simplify what you said. I should start them in 60% soil and 40% perlite mix grow them and then put the female clones in the hydro unit? Is it possible to get 6 clones off one mother? cause I'm strapped for space One follow up question, how big of pots do you think i should have?
  3. D

    New to Hydroponic Growing

    Thanks, I had one idea, that I would start them in the system, and as I find a male,I would clone him into a soil mixture and then destroy the original, as well as clone a female into another pot, I would like as many seeds as possible, as for the empty spaces I'd create, I'd then clone some...
  4. D

    New to Hydroponic Growing

    I am purchasing ten seeds and i just bought a hydroponic set up that has 6 spaces in it. When I begin to grow I want to get the males into a soil pot along with one female for breeeding. I am wondering if its better to just clone a male and destroy the original or try to transplant it. As for...
  5. D

    Cultivating and Hydroponics

    Right now I've got 6 mozzila tabs open on how to grow, The only growing I know how to do is regular plants and outdoors, this is my first time ever growing marijuana and indoors to boot. I'm not too sure about cloning and If I want to breed as well I'm thinking that might not be a good idea, but...
  6. D

    Cultivating and Hydroponics

    I just bought a hydroponic system that supports 6 plants, I am buying ten seeds and I want to get them started so I know which are females and which are males so I can keep 6 females in the system and have the rest in pots for breeding. Pretty much I'm looking for tips and guides on how to go...