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    Question: The Fading of the Clones

    Nutes, that's exactly what I want to do - many thanks. Do you get double colas on the mother plant?
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    Question: The Fading of the Clones

    War stories about 3rd generation and greater clones - basically, we're talking about using clones to clone clones. What I've not seen addressed is genetic drift specific to cannabis - here's an article where the author states: "I have read up on genetic shift [sic] and I simply believe it...
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    Question: The Fading of the Clones

    That's what I think, too, but haven't seen much reliable information on this.
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    Question: The Fading of the Clones

    Can anyone offer insight or advice on using clones to propagate successive generations? Specifically, will the quality fade through generations? The purpose: maximize space in a small-scale home growroom. By propagating the next generation with a clone, the previous mother plant can be...
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    Water-related deficiency?`

    Also, this problem became apparent only a couple of weeks into the grow, so it's been fairly consistent. The fan leaves grew just fine, but then became necrotic after yellowing like this.
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    Water-related deficiency?`

    That's the only variable that's really changed between last grow and this one. I think rainwater has a pH of about 6.5, distilled is 7.0. Is the tapwater with a pH of 7.8 alkaline enough to lock out some nutes?
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    Water-related deficiency?`

    See attached photo. These plants were grown with untreated tap water as an experiment. The purpose is to find the right water treatment. Previously, I've had several successful grows using rain water and distilled water. Drought has reduced rainfall, so that's no longer dependable...
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    Attic Grow: Dual-Hose Portable AC

    Need advice for attic grow room. I'm considering a dual-hose AC unit so that I can grow year-round. Air to be vented from inside house into grow room. Note that I do a lot of lighting with CFLs primarily because of the heat issue. Even during winter, temps can regularly get into the upper 80s...
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    White Widow Day 33 Flowering [PIX]

    You have at least another couple of weeks. See my pics of 67-day-old WW here, so both have been flowering for about the same time. That's definitely nute burn - you gave it too much at once. Flush as suggested, but at this point you may want to continue with straight water. On my next watering...
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    ADVICE: White Widow Day 67

    Sorry - I'm new to RIU! I cross-posted linkbacks to this thread in a couple of different areas, so I apologize if I broached forum netiquette. What's the best way to post, since this covers several different topics? I'm not sure how to bump the thread up. That's very valuable information about...
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    ADVICE: White Widow Day 67

    Seeking advice: please see this thread for some nice plants (pictures included).
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    ADVICE: White Widow Day 67

    Seeking advice: please see this thread for some nice plants (pictures included).
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    ADVICE: White Widow Day 67

    Closet Grow: Day 67 (see pictures for details) ================================= Strain: White Widow (Seedsman) ================================= Lighting: 20 27-watt CFLs under homebuilt reflector 5 weeks under 65K (18/6) 5 weeks under 27K (12/12) ======================== Growing medium...
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    Plant pruning questions

    See this thread from simpsonsampson420: the idea of pruning, without making it to difficult to understand, is to make growth hormones move to specific areas of the plant based on the pruning technique to increase growth on that part of the plant... most pruning techniques stand to force the...
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    what am i doing wrong?

    Your soil is definitely the problem; in general, avoid using soil mixes that come pre-mixed with nutes. I also use Fox Farm Ocean Forest exclusively. I agree with the others that you shouldn't feed until at least after the first fan leaves appear if you're using a good soil mix.
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    Jealous's 156W CFL Rubbermaid Fem'd Bubblicious Grow

    Great thread! I'm anxious to see your garden grow. With CFLs, you can use the 65K for veg, then switch bulbs to 27K when you induce flowering to maximize efficiency and generate thicker buds. The downside is that you have to buy two complete sets of CFLs.
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    First Time Home Grower, with questions?

    As an addendum, please note that humbolt's paranoia about posting on a forum such as this is unfounded. It would be extremely hard. almost impossible - law enforcement would have to match post times with server and ISP records across multiple jurisdictions. The only agencies who could even...
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    First Time Home Grower, with questions?

    As an addendum, please note that humbolt's paranoia about posting on a forum such as this is unfounded. It would be extremely hard. almost impossible - law enforcement would have to match post times with server and ISP records across multiple jurisdictions. The only agencies who could even...
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    Plant went without water for 2 days... can it be saved???

    Let us know how it turns out!