Search results

  1. dphillips83

    Marijuana and the Economy

    So my question is this: Do you think decriminalizing marijuana could make a impact to recover our failing economy? How I see it is if marijuana was controlled the same way cigarettes and alcohol are controlled (by taxing and regulating age of purchase) that it would have a significant impact...
  2. dphillips83

    Great One Day, Droopy And Sad The Next

    I'm a long time hobby grower with very little success so any advice on what I may or may not be doing wrong is greatly appreciated. I'm growing indoors with a Rubbermaid grow box. I'm using one 23w CFL bulb and the box is surrounded in white paper and the dull side of aluminum foil on the lid...
  3. dphillips83

    Growing with Stuff From Around the House

    I've attempted to grow in the past. Nothing fancy, just threw some seeds into some dirt that's in a pot and put it next to the window. Water it once and awhile and just be proud of my little baby. Growing marijuana is actually what got me interested in growing a garden outside. Every year I grow...
  4. dphillips83

    Search has become my main source for my growing needs. but I'm frustrated with the search capabilities. when i try to come to the website and search within the site it always tells me it can't find any match. i just did a search for 'marijuana' and i get the following error: Sorry - no...