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  1. Blayzd

    I Like This One

    Yeah man, people tell me that every day. I get a tattoo machine next week. Should be fun. I'll get a woman only policy on the go. Just draw on chicks all day. Thanks for the replies.
  2. Blayzd

    what is minimum light time for veg??

    18-6 but apparently you can go as low as 14 hours light. I've never done that before. Go for the 18-6.
  3. Blayzd

    It sucks being a newbie

    If your in compost run a wet/dry cycle. You gotta let the compost nearly completely dry out before watering again (not so much to cause the compost to come away from he pot). Then you can't really overwater if you drain your excess from the pot. To know if the pot is dry, test the weight of a...
  4. Blayzd

    Whens the THC there?

    At a guess I'd say between week 2-3 flower. Around week 2 I start to get some established buds. Not long after they're coated in resin (or maybe the resin comes with the bud) Can't really remember to be honest. Your talking early though, couple weeks. Your crazy taking shit off your plant...
  5. Blayzd

    Weird miracle grow soil

    Not sure about the cancer and you can get mg compost without the chems. Is it foxfarms you use over there in the states? I use Westlands.
  6. Blayzd

    molding bud?? after i cured

    Not sure on the watercure. To be honest it's fucking hard work and takes a long time. Look it up. Cut all the mould off and dry it proper. Then jar it up when it's dry and pop the jars daily. Sound be OK.
  7. Blayzd

    molding bud?? after i cured

    Sounds like you didn't dry them properly before jaring them up. Also it's a good idea to pop the lid daily for a while. Seems to work nice for me. You can do a thing called a water cure. There's probably threads around here about it. If not google it and you'll find it. If that isn't for you...
  8. Blayzd

    first days of growth

    Yeah, that's the one I was after. Had to google that did you. Your advice is shit in other words. Shit on purpose too by the look of it.
  9. Blayzd

    clone grafting????!!

    Interesting. You got a link to somewhere I can read about that. I didn't think it possible for genetics to be transfered through grafts. Wanna read more about that.
  10. Blayzd

    first days of growth

  11. Blayzd

    myers-briggs personality types!

    hehe, life is more fun when more than one person live in your head. I have several people in my head lol Like I said. INTJ every single time. Mastermind. Your Type is INTJIntrovertedIntuitiveThinkingJudgingStrength of the preferences % 33753850
  12. Blayzd

    myers-briggs personality types!

    INTJ ;) I've done this test a few times. Always get the same result.
  13. Blayzd

    Why are my plants growing so slow?

    Sorry mate I'm wasted. Forgot the original question. Yeah I've got experience with mutant plants. It happens some times. Also, I've had a few mutants which turned out to be the best plants I had at the time. Usually it's a genetic thing. Here's a mutant I had. All the leaves came out the...
  14. Blayzd

    Why are my plants growing so slow?

    These broke the surface around Saturday last week and this photo was taken yesterday. So call it 8 days from seed poppin.
  15. Blayzd

    Rescued a plant - need advise

    I like 20-4. As I understand it. At lights on the plant is collecting light and transforming that into sugars and foods for the plant, which are then stored in the roots. During lights off the plant is better able to use this stored food to build itself. The plant can still do everything with...
  16. Blayzd

    Rescued a plant - need advise

    Why is 24/7 optimum?
  17. Blayzd

    are they looking healthy

    I wouldn't flower seeds until they were mature. Which is indicated by uneven nodes on the stem. Do this. When the roots have hit the bottom of your pots, wait a couple days and pot into a larger pot. Leave that one until the roots have started filling the pot. Then flower once your roots are...
  18. Blayzd

    Is it a boy or a girl?

    Male or hermy.
  19. Blayzd

    The jungle that was our 3 VERY BIG girls

    They're massive man. Not bad for 7 weeks veg. Nice trees :)
  20. Blayzd

    Miracle-gro outdoors

    10-20 oz a plant if the weathers good and you grow them well. That's closer to 1/2-3/4 pound plus I think. 2.2 per kg, 36 oz a kg. Grow well in the sun and you should hit 10-20.