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  1. IIVIIetal

    Co2 for 4x8

    I have a 4x8 tent too, its setup in my garage which is reasonably air tight. so i just raise the ppm for the whole garage, which is not the MOST efficient method, but i had to do something to combat the heat wave we got hit with in june and my AC unit was NOT cutting it this year due to running...
  2. IIVIIetal

    GH FLORA PRO in ebb and flow, grams/gal

    Thats not a bad value, for sure. I could definitely sustain using the other series, but i to really make my operation economically viable (in terms of cost to produce high quality vs buying off the black market) dry nutrients are the way to go for me
  3. IIVIIetal

    hey, have you started using the Flora Pro series yet?

    hey, have you started using the Flora Pro series yet?
  4. IIVIIetal

    GH FLORA PRO in ebb and flow, grams/gal

    Last run i had 5 different strains, all bag seed. Black domina was one of them, and i liked it so much i ordered seeds.... a long with about 20 other strains lol Just looked up the lucas formula, interesting idea. But i feel its not as economical as using the flora pro series. Its 3 bags...
  5. IIVIIetal

    GH FLORA PRO in ebb and flow, grams/gal

    Hey everyone! Just thought ide make a post here about mixing a reservoir with the flora pro nutes. i saw one thread on here from earlier this year, however they didnt really touch on what im wanting to know. What does the grams/gal work out to when you factor in dilution in the stock tanks and...
  6. IIVIIetal

    Fulvic acid dosing

    where did you get that? im having a hell of a time procuring bulk quantities of dry fulvic acid also, glad to see others getting on the train of seizing the means of production, comrade lol