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  1. killshin

    Do you believe in God?

    i enjoyed reading this thread. i don't think there is a god, and if i ever find out that there is one, i'm going to kick his ass for being such a lazy fucker. :)
  2. killshin

    Any Motorcyle riders?

    that's why i ride at the back of the seat... :dunce:
  3. killshin

    Any Motorcyle riders?

    fucking hell... how did you get all the bikes i want? what the fuck? 3 fucking bikes? wow. we need to hang out. can i borrow like 10g's?
  4. killshin

    Any Motorcyle riders?

    Cool. Well it looks like we're 5/5 in favor of highway riding. The girl won't hear it though. What she's saying is that if anything were to happen, I would "definitely die" on the freeway and then be run over repeatedly.
  5. killshin

    Any Motorcyle riders?

    So I'm new here but this is the only forum I'm a member of right now so I figured I'd ask... I've been a rider for about a year now and I'm getting pretty good at it IMO. I ride a Suzuki sv650 and I love every second of it. My question is this: Is riding on the freeway more or less...
  6. killshin

    WTF? Am I Dying?

    I didn't quote it but someone up there already said it. This 'Oh my God I'm dying' used to happen to me too. The very first time, I really believed I was dying. I just went and snuggled up with my dogs and watched a movie. Eventually I calmed down. It has happened a few times since then...
  7. killshin

    Micro Grow sub-forum added under Grow Room Design

    micgrow subforum would be my place.
  8. killshin

    First Grow First Room Grow Jornal

    this is all very inspiring. thank you for keeping such a good journal. shin