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  1. N

    Is my plant preflowering? First time growing.

    This is my first time growing, so I am very new to all the signs. Is my plant preflowering? And if so what do I do? And what does this mean for the next stages to come? Growing outdoors too
  2. N

    Still in Vegetation. But is this a male or female? #Firstgrow

    Now I was just wondering if anyone could tell me if this is on its way to being a male or female? I have got one here who I can tell is a definite female but this one I'm just having a hard time telling if those are pollen sacks that I'm looking at? Any help
  3. N

    First time growing and I'm not too sure what this is. Does anyone know what this is? Looks like rust.

    now I also have a feeling that it's because I've fed them nutrients too early.. Or I've got the liquid onto the leaves of the plants with my old shitty water can (by the way I have upgraded from that watering can, and have stopped feeding my plants nutrients as I feel as it's too early) plzzz help