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  1. H

    Nute burn pr deficiency?

    So im experiencing some leaf tip browning and curling upwards. I've never had this happen before so I'm not sure if just your usual, pretty bad nute burn or something else? The other leaf symptoms include edges slightly rolling/cupping down, lower leaves yellowing but also burning at the tips...
  2. H


    I'm in week 7 of flower and when I was inspecting my plant I noticed 2 immature nanners sticking out of the very top of my main cola. Temps have been consistently around 60-75F, humidity is kept around 45-55%, soil grow, she isn't sick in any way that i know of, not overwatered, I came home one...
  3. H

    Nute burn or deficiency?

    Can any of you identify a specific type of burn on the tips of my leaves? I can't figure out whether it's just normal nute burn or if I have a deficiency that I can't pinpoint. I've had nute burn on other plants and it didn't look quite like this. This starts of with a bright yellow color then a...
  4. H

    12/12 to sex plant?

    Do any of you use the method of putting your vegging plant under 12/12 lighting to sex it then once you know, putting it back under its normal veg light cycle? Reason i ask is because I had a seedling that I had under 18/6 for 2-3 weeks, then decided I wanted to see what would happen if I put it...
  5. H

    Indica? Sativa? Hybrid?

    I was wondering if you guys could give me your opinion on what strain or cultivar or whatever the PROPER word is, my plant might be. This is my first grow and it was some bagseed from somebody I work with so it could be anything. I started out with 4 plants but three of them ended up being male...
  6. H

    Transplanted in early flower

    Alright currently I'm either 17 days into flower or im 10 days into flower, depending on when you're actually supposed to start counting. I flipped my plant to 12/12 on like the 5th or 6th of this month but I didn't see any pistils until the 13th. About a week or so after flipping her to 12/12 I...
  7. H

    Lights? Deficiency?

    Can anyone take a guess at what could be the cause of my leaves curling upwards (slightly) at the tips of the serrations? I know it's under a blurple light but really im just trying to figure it out by the look of it. The color is still the same except for maybe some very very slight yellowing...
  8. H

    Fertilizer in soil

    Ok so I'm really bad at math, like really bad. And im also lazy so I come to fine people to give me a little insight.. When I first started growing my plants, I used some Miracle Grow potting mix. It had its fertilizers listed as 0.21%-0.7%(I think)-0.14%. Now would that be considered a heavy...
  9. H

    Male or female?

    Alright guys I need your help. Can anyone identify whether this is a male or female preflower? I apologize for the image being pretty blurry, I tried getting a clearer picture but out of all of them this was the best I could get. Comparing this to pictures on Google, I feel like it might be a...
  10. H

    Check this out

    So I had one extra seed out of the 5 that I hadn't planted yet. Until about 4 days ago. Germed it and all that, stuck it in a solo cup with my growing medium. While moving around some stuff in the grow area I accidentally tipped the cup over spilling most of the soil out so I had to very...
  11. H

    Yellow tips on tips of leaves

    What would cause the very tips of the leaves to turn yellow? Its only on the tips. Nowhere else. I've dealt with nute burn and after awhile the tips turned brown and eventually it spread to the rest of the leaf but this time they aren't turning brown or spreading to the rest of the leaf. Could...
  12. H

    Is it possible?

    Ok so I've been wondering the whole time I've been growing my plants. The "secondary shoots", or the branches that grow between the nodes. Can you top those with the same results as topping the main stem? Or would it just halt the growth of that particular shoot? I was very curious and went...
  13. H

    What could this mean?

    So I have been noticing alot of slowed growth, slight yellowing of the new growth on all of the tops that I have and some twisting of the leaves on the new growth. I should also add that the new growth isn't near as "big" or healthy as it used to be when it was coming up. I don't know if this is...
  14. H

    what could it be??

    I saw this little guy hanging out on the main stem of one of my plants. When I went to kill it, I missed the first time and it didn't move or try to fly away. It just shifted over a little bit. Leafhopper maybe? I had one a couple weeks ago that ruined a couple of my leaves but it was green...
  15. H

    Chance for recovery?

    Ok so I've been doing LST for two of my plants for about a month now. They've been doing great, however, a couple days ago I noticed a fairly sharp crease in the main stem of one of my plants. It doesn't appear to be a full break, at least not on the exterior of the stem. I don't know if I...
  16. H

    Iron deficiency? Nute lockout?

    Ok so I have 4 plants and one if them is doing horrible. After being transplanted to the new pot everything was going good, the only thing I've done differently was use bottled water instead of the usual tap water i was watering them with since planting the seeds. Im assuming I screwed up the ph...
  17. H

    Different strains?

    Ok so I have 4 plants. The two thinner ones were started outdoors then moved indoors after about a week. The soil they were grown in was some cheap Dollar store soil, no nutrients or anything. After they were moved indoors I transplanted them into bigger pots and used some miracle grow soil and...
  18. H

    nitrogen toxicity?

    What could be causing the rolling/cupping of the leaves and the bluing of the leaves? I have them in some shitty Miracle grow potting soil that I think is way too hot so I'm looking for some different soil but in the mean time I need some experts to give me some answers
  19. H

    Is this normal?

    Ok so please forgive me if this isn't posted in the right section(?), I'm new here. I just made an account no more than a minute ago. Ok so, I planted one single seed a couple weeks ago, give or take, and it seems to be growing good.. only I'm confused about why the leaves look the way they do...